Coronavirus is spreading at Vilnius University: 5 cases have already been confirmed


“Five people associated with the university were diagnosed with COVID-19 this week, one case each in different departments. People who may have come into contact with these five people will be identified, reported immediately and given a period of self-isolation. .

The University, in collaboration with the National Center for Public Health (NVSC), has taken and continues to take all measures to prevent the spread of the virus in our community. The premises are constantly disinfected, the conditions are created to move the conferences to more spacious places, where it is possible to ensure social distance ”, says R. Petrauskas in a letter to the VU community.

According to the rector, VU will not yet apply distance education.

“Currently, the situation is under control, cases of infections are located and managed, so it is not necessary to abandon the live format of conferences and seminars, if the implementation of all the NVSC recommendations is ensured. As the situation worsens, the university is ready to return to distance education in the spring. All instructions and information are published in a special section of the Covid-19 university website, where we will be constantly updating information on cases from the beginning of next week, ”says R. Petrauskas.

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