COVID-19 patients will find it easier to recover: 2 negative tests will no longer be needed


According to the Deputy Minister of Health, Kristina Garuolienė, it is planned to change the recovery criteria in the near future.

“It just came to our attention then. A person who had undergone two tests after 14 negative days was considered to have recovered.

From now on, a person who does not feel any symptoms for 10 days after the onset of the disease is considered healthy. Of course, the fact of recovery will have to be established by the family doctor or the doctors treating the patient. This will simplify the process, eliminating the need for research. And after some time after the onset of the disease, the person will be considered healthy and will be able to return to a normal life, ”said the vice minister.

He stressed that what is being said in this case is a mild form of the disease where patients are usually treated at home.

At the same time, K. Garuolienė stated that although diseases are on the rise, the situation worsens, it is not distinguished compared to other countries.

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“The growth of new cases is observed not only in Lithuania, but also in other countries. A particularly difficult situation is observed in the Czech Republic, Belgium and the Netherlands. Morbidity is also growing rapidly in our neighboring country – Poland and Latvia.

When evaluating the situation in different municipalities, a significant jump was observed in the Vilnius municipality. 111 cases have been identified, which is a huge leap in the disease, “he said.

The vice minister also reminded the other municipalities of the obligation to take measures to help control the situation.

He recalled that there are legal measures to apply bans on events, telework, organization of the educational process, restriction of gatherings, on the work of medical institutions, preventive research of the population.

Therefore, municipalities must assess the situation and make decisions. In this particular case, the restrictions must be taken by the Municipality of Vilnius ”, emphasized K. Garuolienė.

The vice minister also recalled the necessary skills for infection control: keeping distance, hand hygiene, sneezing, coughing, wearing masks.

255 new cases

On Thursday 255 new cases of COVID-19 were approved, only 111 of them were registered in Vilnius. Kristina Garuolienė, Deputy Minister of Health, and Loreta Ašoklienė, Head of the Health Promotion Division of the Ministry of Health, provide the latest information on coronavirus control measures.

The National Center of Public Health (NVSC) reports that 255 cases of coronavirus infection (COVID-19) were confirmed in Lithuania last day. 111 of them were registered in Vilnius counties, 58 Šiauliai, 39 Kaunas, 28 Klaipėda, 7 Panevėžys, 5 Marijampolė, 4 Telšiai and 3 Alytus.

After contact with people confirmed by coronavirus, epidemiologists estimated that 169 people were infected. In addition, 9 import cases were recorded during the last day, of which 4 from Ukraine and 1 each from Germany, Belgium, Poland, Norway and France. At that time, specialists were unable to identify the circumstances of the infection in 77 people.

107 cases are associated with outbreaks

On the last day, cases related to chimneys were registered in educational institutions in Vilnius County: 9 cases are related to the Vilnius “Žemyna” kindergarten, 6 – to the Jonas Basanavičius gymnasium in Vilnius, 2 – to the Progymnasium Martynas Mažvydas from Vilnius, and it is estimated that 2 cases are related to the Rudamina “Rytas” gym in the Vilnius district. Another 3 cases are related to the outbreak at the Švenčionėliai King Mindaugas gymnasium in Švenčionėliai district, as well as 3 cases at the Pabradė “Žeimena” gymnasium in Švenčionys district.

Another 4 new cases of coronovirus in Vilnius county are associated with the outbreak at the Foreigners Registration Center in Pabradė, 3 cases are associated with the outbreak in the SOS Children’s Village in Vilnius and 4 cases are related to the outbreak in the Lithuanian Armed Forces.

1 new case of coronavirus infection is associated with the “Sanatorija” bar in Vilnius Old Town, as well as 1 more case, with the “Bardakas” bar. In addition, during the evaluation of the routes of the infected people during the last day, it can be seen that the people visited various places of free time – bars, cafes, clubs.

3 cases in Kaunas County are related to the Department of Cardiology at LSMU Kaunas Hospital, 4 – to Blinstrubiškės welfare residences located in Raseiniai district (3 wards and 1 employee), 2 more cases are related to dead bodies held in the Ringaudai armory (Tabariškės funeral home). Furthermore, 2 cases in Kaunas County are estimated to be related to the outbreak in the Vaižgantas progymnasium of Kaunas University of Technology.

Yesterday, 7 cases of coronavirus were recorded in Lioliai welfare home located in Kelmė district (Šiauliai county), people were prophylactically examined (a total of 13 cases were recorded: 12 wards and 1 employee) . 9 new cases of COVID-19 were registered in the Joniškis Social Services Center, and cases related to the Joniškis Saulės Basic School Day Employment Center are still registered: 2 related cases were registered last day, as well as 3 cases of Joniškis GMP-related infection were confirmed.

In Klaipėda county, 2 cases are related to the outbreak at the Klaipėda Vydūnas gymnasium, 2 cases are related to the Kartena branch of the Kretinga Cultural Center.

In Telšiai county, 3 cases of infection are associated with the choir rehearsal, which took place on October 6.

In Panevėžys County, 1 case related to the outbreak was registered at the Pasvalys Police Station, as well as 1 case related to the outbreak at the Antanas Gudaitis Aviation Faculty of the Vilnius Gediminas Technical University.

In Alytus County, Case 1 is associated with an outbreak in Druskininkai Township, Marijampolė County, with an outbreak in Marijampolė Special Social Care Homes. NVSC reports that yesterday’s tests were performed on 39 residents of these houses, test results are awaited.

The circumstances of the infection in 77 people are unclear.

Currently, epidemiologists have not yet been able to determine how 77 people were infected. Epidemiological studies have shown that people did not travel abroad and did not interact with confirmed cases of COVID-19.

Specialists examine the routes of these infections, so the statistics can still change if links are found between individual cases.

In Lithuania, the 110th death from coronavirus

NVSC reports that information about the death from coronavirus was received last day from the Kaunas Hospital of the Lithuanian University of Health Sciences. Currently, the infection has claimed 110 lives.

The person is a resident of Tauragė County. The person belonged to the age group 90-99, had chronic diseases. The coronavirus was confirmed in one person on October 11. During the epidemiological diagnosis of the outbreak, specialists were unable to determine how the person was infected.

NVSC reports that a total of 6,760 cases of COVID-19 disease have been confirmed in Lithuania, 3,635 people are still ill, 2,983 have recovered.

For their part, public health professionals urge people to follow all measures to prevent the spread of coronavirus infection: hand hygiene, coughing, sneeze etiquette, use of personal protective equipment, physical distance and more. .

Images from the Covid-19 study – video report:
