A large group dedicated to the sale of luxury cars was arrested: the scammers avoided about 4 million. taxes in euros


The operation of the Lithuanian Criminal Police Office was presented at the Vilnius Police Department, in which Aro officers also participated. During the operation, 16 suspects were arrested and more than 60 searches were carried out. The arrest operation took place last week.

“The investigation itself focused on the shadow criminal business: car trafficking. In this case, 16 people were arrested in an organized manner, setting up offshore companies and bringing together a certain circle of people, that is, to buy cars. used luxury cars from the United States.

During the pre-trial investigation, officers from the Lithuanian Criminal Police Office established that possibly around 20 thousand items were acquired in more than 2 years. luxury cars, ”said the head of the LKPB, Rolandas Kiškis, noting that the documents had been falsified.

According to the head of the LCPB, they believe they have collected enough data: car purchases, the data was falsified. The total purchase amount shown is approximately $ 40 million. euros. We assume that the actual amount was paid 80 million. EUR. “

According to R. Kiškis, the data was falsified just to avoid the customs duty: “We already believe and suspect that more than 4 million tons of customs duties have been avoided. EUR. “

The chief added that more than 120 law enforcement officers were involved in the operation. Representatives of the Customs and Tax Inspection.

During the operation, accounting documents were taken, hard drives and equipment relevant to the case were removed.

The pre-trial investigation is coordinated by prosecutors from the Attorney General’s Office.

There are currently 10 detainees in preventive detention.
