Right with the lie? V. Uspaskich: COVID-19 is like the flu, now the second wave worldwide, with practically zero deaths


“It just came to our attention then. (COVID-19) is like the flu, now the second wave around the world. With practically zero deaths, who needs to scare others here? ” Monday 15 minutes said V. Uspaskich.

In the words of the leader of the party that received 9 seats in the first round of the Seimas elections, he echoes the phrases of the President of the United States, D. Trump. COVID-19 sick The US chief also compared the coronavirus to seasonal flu last week..

Tolokas from scratch

First of all, let’s start with the second statement made by V. Uspaskich, that the second wave of COVID-19 is no longer claiming lives. Since the beginning of the pandemic, the coronavirus has claimed the lives of 106 people in Lithuania.

With the onset of autumn, the virus claimed 19 lives in Lithuania alone, three in more than three summer months. Quite far from zero, as the Labor MEP put it.

It is true that the COVID-19 outbreak, which intensified in the fall in different countries, is claiming different numbers of lives. However, unfortunately we cannot speak of non-existent deaths.

Evaluation of data from around the worldOnly a few days have been recorded since the beginning of September, when the average number of daily deaths from COVID-19, obtained by estimating an average of 7 days, would be less than 5,000. during the day.

A comparison of COVID-19 and seasonal flu also shows obvious differences. According to the Center for Communicable Diseases and AIDS (ULAC), 2015-2016 during flu season 22 people died from the disease in Lithuania. 2016–2017 m. the disease claimed 3 lives, 2017–2018 m. – 14, 2018–2019 m. – 26, the 2019–2020 m. – eleven.

In the past five years, 73 people have died from seasonal flu and COVID-19 has killed 106 people in Lithuania in 9 months this year. 2020 alone COVID-19 has claimed more lives than seasonal flu in five years.

WHO counts that in the world seasonal flu takes away 290 thousand each year. up to 650 thousand. lives. Before the end of this year, COVID-19 had already claimed more than $ 1 million. lives. It is estimated that this number could double if no vaccine is found.

15 minutes After contacting V. Uspaskich, the politician reiterated that there are zero infections during the second wave of the virus, but zero deaths.

No, we don’t need to talk about it here. Who used to be infected and everything else, because there are hardly any new ones.

“It just came to our knowledge then. Who used to be infected and everything else, because there are hardly any new (deaths – aut. Past.

The virus does not depend on the virus

COVID-19 and seasonal flu are often identified with similar symptoms: high body temperature, chills. However, the course of the two diseases and the viruses that cause them are different. Tedros Adhanom, director of the World Health Organization (WHO), tried to clear up doubts already in March.

“This virus (SARS-CoV-2) is not SARS, MERS, or influenza. It is a unique virus with distinctive characteristics. Both COVID-19 and influenza cause respiratory illnesses and spread in a similar way. […] However, there are significant differences between these diseases, “the WHO director general told reporters.

According to Adhanom, the new coronavirus is much more dangerous than the seasonal flu and, unlike COVID-19, vaccines help fight the flu.

Photo by Julius Kalinskas / 15min / COVID-19 checkpoint in Vilnius

Julius Kalinskas / 15min photo / COVID-19 checkpoint in Vilnius

At the time, Guido Vanham, former head of the virology department at the Institute of Tropical Medicine in Antwerp, Belgium, explained that influenza and coronavirus viruses are different as day and night.

“This (SARS-CoV-2) is a completely different virus from the one that causes the flu, it belongs to a completely different group of viruses. […] The genetic makeup of this virus and of influenza is no less different than ours from the dinosaurs, ”he explained. G. Vanhamas.

Different effects

Head of the Infectious Disease Prevention Program at the prestigious Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine (JHUSOM), medical professor Lisa Maragakis writesthat diseases are not only caused by different viruses, but patients have different symptoms.

Unlike the flu, those with COVID-19 can lose their sense of smell and taste. Often times, those infected with COVID-19 have no symptoms, but spread the disease. Unlike the seasonal flu, the coronavirus can cause long-term lung, heart, and kidney problems.

Photo by Julius Kalinskas / 15min / Protective mask

Photo by Julius Kalinskas / 15min / Protective mask

According to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)., flu symptoms appear 1 to 4 days after infection. COVID-19 symptoms appear on average within 5 days after infection, but in some cases occur within 2 days, sometimes 14 days after infection.

People with the flu spread the disease about a day before symptoms appear. COVID-19 patients can infect those around them for an extended period.

Unlike seasonal flu, COVID-19 has a much stronger effect in specific age groups. Seasonal flu is more dangerous for children with health problems, COVID-19 for the elderly.

The coronavirus spreads much faster than influenza, making disease outbreaks relatively easy to form. There are medicines and vaccines to fight the flu. COVID-19 drugs are still in development and there is no vaccine available yet.

VIDEO: What do we really know about the coronavirus?

Similar differences between influenza and COVID-19 are identified by and another prestigious institution of medical sciences “Mayo Clinic” to World Health Organization.

Frequent comparison

Certainly, it is possible to find similarities between COVID-19 and seasonal flu. For example, on the official website of the Ministry of Health (SAM), which explains in which case a coronavirus test should be applied, states that there should be concern “in case of specific symptoms of the flu.”

The Mayo Clinic, WHO and JHUSOM identify similarities in the symptoms of the disease. ULAC points out that although the diseases have similarities, they are different its propagation mechanisms. Comparison with a known disease at the beginning of a pandemic made it easier to identify the disease.

At that moment, comparing apparently different phenomena is human. Therefore, a hedgehog is seen in a ring of chestnut trees, and a terrestrial rodent is called a guinea pig.

The genetic makeup of this virus and influenza is no less different than ours from the dinosaurs.

However, COVID-19 is a deadly disease that has claimed more lives in Lithuania in less than a year than seasonal flu in the past five years.

Statistics on deaths in recent months show that, contrary to Uspaskich’s claim, the “second wave” is far from claiming “practically zero” lives. Unless we will zero out 19 people who have died in Lithuania since the beginning of September. The same can be said for death statistics around the planet.

Thus, 15 minutes According to V. Uspaskich, the claim is false. COVID-19 is not the flu, the two diseases are caused by different viruses, spread differently, and have different effects. Mortality statistics show that COVID-19 is much more dangerous than seasonal flu, and death rates do not allow us to speak of “virtually zero” deaths.

Kind of focus

V. Uspaskich has shown a different approach to the COVID-19 pandemic since the beginning of the pandemic. For example, in 2020 in March, as soon as the universal quarantine came into effect in Lithuania, politicians hoped that vibrations would protect it from viruses.

Sigismund Gedvila / 15min photo / Mindaugas Puidokas, Viktoras Uspaskichas

Sigismund Gedvila / 15min photo / Mindaugas Puidokas, Viktoras Uspaskichas

“When its frequency of vibration is around 10 Hz, all kinds of viruses can reach it. For example, I am not afraid of the coronavirus because it would be uncomfortable for him to live with me. Viruses don’t like that frequency, they run away and get rid of it. They can be eaten with spoons and there will be nothing left, they will escape “, – V. Uspaskich spoke at the end of March.

Interestingly, the Labor Party also attracted more people who were extremely skeptical of the COVID-19 pandemic. For example, Greta Dambrauskaitė joins the list of parties at number 110, one of the founders of the facebook group “Unfollow 15 min”.

There was no shortage of negative COVID-19 content in the group, proposed to deal with journalists, spread a lot of false information about the coronavirus, a variety of pandemic conspiracy theories.

Next group admin – minfo.lt owner Marius Gabrilavičius, According to the Central Election Commission (CEC), it illegally distributed an advertisement in favor of Mindaugas Puidokas, the head of the Kaunas branch of the Labor Party, in 2019 during the presidential election.

During Sunday’s elections to the Seimas, M. Puidokas joined the Seimas along with the Labor Party. Voters ranked the policy from fourth to third place on the list.
