R. Stukas discussed the myths about bread: does it really gain weight and is it the best whole grain bread? | Lifetime


“Bread is the foundation of human nutrition, and adherence to temporary dietary fads only shows a low level of literacy in nutrition and human health,” said R. Stukas, head of the Department of Public Health at the Institute of Health Sciences. Vilnius University Health, and said the biggest myths worth forgetting.

Rimantas Stukas personal archive photo

Rimantas Stukas personal archive photo

Myth no. 1 – weight increases with bread

R. Stukas says that the weight does not increase with the bread, but with the additives that we add to the sandwich.

“It is completely wrong to blame bread for its increasing weight, because we rarely eat it alone. Consuming bread products in moderation will have no effect on weight gain. That is why bread is at the bottom of the pyramid. nutritional, it is one of the most important foods. Of course, as with any other ingredient, it is important to control your intake, but a few servings a day will definitely not damage your figure, “says R. Stukas.

Tadas Aleknavičius, Head of Bread Product Development at Gardės, claims that a slice of bread averages 80-120 kcal, so it rarely becomes the highest calorie part of a meal.

“A slice of bread has around 100 kcal, depending on the flour from which it is made or seasoned with additional additives such as seeds or grains. But if we spread it with nut butter and jelly, the number of calories in this toast will quadruple, ”says a bread expert.

Myth no. 2: Carbohydrates should be avoided

Today, a ketogenic diet predominantly high in fat and carbohydrates is gaining popularity, including and bread. However, according to R. Stukas, it is not recommended.

“The effects of a ketogenic diet on the human body have not been sufficiently studied or proven. This is an unscientific theory that it may help you lose weight, but in the long run it may do more harm than good.

Unfortunately, today people are receptive to such theories, for example there was once a popular diet based on blood groups. Today we have already forgotten it, although we once believed. For this reason, we should not rely on fashion, but on science-based dietary recommendations ”, says the specialist.

Rely on science-based dietary recommendations rather than fad.

Carbohydrates are brain food – they need about 120g of carbohydrates a day alone. Additionally, consuming carbohydrates provides the necessary dietary fiber with food. According to R. Stukas, Lithuanians eat very little, although dietary fiber ensures smooth bowel function, maintains the viability of good intestinal bacteria, and reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease.

123RF.com nuotr./Duona

123RF.com nuotr./Duona

“A survey of Lithuanian residents commissioned by the bakery * revealed that 35 percent. Lithuanians, when choosing bread products, pay attention to the amount of fiber they contain. For example, there are products with 10 to 12 g of fiber per 100 g of product. A few slices of this type of bread provide almost the entire recommended daily amount of fiber for a person. It is very difficult to achieve this standard by giving up cereal-based products and carbohydrates, ”says T. Aleknavičius.

Myth no. 3: gluten must be discarded

According to R. Stukas, the terms “healthy” and “gluten-free” are identified today without any basis. 2017 A scientific study ** conducted by the universities of Columbia and Harvard in the United States has shown that it is not recommended to give up gluten-containing products in the absence of allergies, intolerances or other health problems.

“A scientific study published in the British Medical Journal a few years ago found that gluten consumption did not increase the risk of cardiovascular disease. On the contrary, by giving up gluten, we are giving up cereal-based products that provide us with carbohydrates from high molecular weight required ”, says the professor.

T. Aleknavičius draws attention to the fact that when choosing a gluten-free product, it is worth examining its composition even more carefully.

“When trying to create a gluten-free product, it often contains various artificial additives, leavening substances that remind us of the usual structure of baked goods: precisely because of the gluten, they are soft, fluffy. It is also important to understand that gluten-free does not mean sugar-free, fat-free or other additives that are harmful to health, ”says T. Aleknavičius.

Myth no. 4: you can only choose whole wheat bread

According to a survey of Lithuanian residents, one in two people pay attention to whole wheat flour when choosing bread cakes. According to R. Stukas, this is a very positive indicator, because many nutrients are stored in whole wheat flour. However, even refined wheat flour bread should not be demonized: according to the recommendations of the nutritional pyramid, light bread and loaf, along with other cereals, are at the bottom.

“While all-grain bread will provide more nutrients and have more fiber, that doesn’t mean regular white bread will ruin your healthy diet. Although its nutritional value is less, it can still be part of a healthy diet.

While all-grain bread will provide more nutrients and have more fiber, that doesn’t mean regular white bread will ruin your healthy diet.

Studies show that 75 percent. Lithuanians first choose bread based on its taste, so if they find avocado more palatable with regular light bread, they can sometimes choose such a product, moderation and balance are important, ”says R. Stukas.

Refined wheat flour products are evaluated negatively due to their rapid rise in blood sugar, their high glycemic index. However, according to R. Stukas, bread is rarely eaten alone, so when avocado and chicken are placed on a slice of bread, the glycemic index of the common dish drops significantly.

Myth no. 5: There is no quality bread in stores.

43 percent. Lithuanians, when choosing bread, pay attention to the label and composition of the bread. According to T. Aleknavičius, these criteria also shape the bread offering, so there is no need to look for quality baked goods only in bakeries or specialized markets.

The most important thing for Lithuanians in the composition of bread (57%) is the sugar content. According to T. Aleknavičius, nowadays more and more producers are cleaning the composition of their bread products, renouncing added sugar, reducing the amount of salt and fat, so the composition of bread is only improving.

* 2020 survey conducted by Spinter tyrimai company in July, during which 1,030 respondents from all over Lithuania were interviewed.

** “British Medical Journal”, https://www.bmj.com/content/357/bmj.j2135
