Alexei Navaln named who paid for his treatment


He wrote about it on his Instagram account. According to the activist, the treatment at the clinic cost 49 thousand. 900 euros. Entrepreneur Yevgeny Chichvarkin, economist Sergei Alexashenko, and information technology specialist Roman Ivanov paid for it.

“I am very grateful to these wonderful people and to many others who have extended a helping hand, but we have not been able to accept it due to the extremely complex regulation of the European banking system. You can go crazy until you complete all those payments correctly, if you want to do everything the way you need to ”, thanked A. Navalnas.

See this post on Instagram

About the money í I promised to tell you – I do. First, the news: yesterday I found out that not only my bank account and that of my family were blocked, but even my account as an individual entrepreneur (individual entrepreneur). ⠀ This is completely illegal. Thus, they not only stole all the money I had, but they also deprived me of the opportunity to earn it. However, could he have expected something more? The “Bulk, Better Don’t Come Back” campaign is gaining momentum. The apartment was arrested, the checking accounts were arrested, the SP account was arrested. ⠀ Nothing, let’s break up. ⠀ Well, the most interesting thing is who paid for my treatment and stayed in Germany, right? Financing policies and sources of income must be clear and open. I always defend him, and for several years I myself have been publishing information about my income and assets, although I do not have that duty, I am not an official. The expenses look like this: 1. The plane that took me to Germany. 2. Hospital treatment. 3. Treatment, rehabilitation and housing expenses outside the hospital. ⠀ The plane cost 79 thousand euros and was paid for by businessman Boris Zimin @ boris.zimin. ⠀ Final bill for hospital treatment 49,900 euros. Paid for the package: – businessman Yevgeny Chichvarkin @tot_samy_chichvarkin – economist Sergei Aleksashenko – IT specialist Roman Ivanov alias @kukutz ⠀ It is not clear how much accommodation and additional treatment will cost, because the payback period is unclear. Yesterday I went to the hospital to do a new batch of tests, they said everything is going well so far. But in any case, Evgeny Chichvarkin also covered the costs. ⠀ Many thanks to these wonderful people, as well as a large number of people who offered help, but were unable to accept it due to the complicated regulation of the European banking system. Here you will go crazy as long as you organize these payments correctly, if you want to do everything honestly. A special thanks to Leonid Volkov @leonidvolkov, who managed to organize everything. ⠀ Here. Has reported. Now try, for the sake of interest, to ask Putin’s officials who pays for his private jet flights, treatment at European clinics, and what kinds of “business” his wives and children are doing, showing hundreds of millions of dollars in income. Maybe they also respond? 😉

A post shared by Alexey Navalny (@navalny) on Oct 14, 2020 at 5:08 am PDT

Media: EU sanctions on Navalno will target the Russian Chemical Institute

New EU sanctions on Russia for the poisoning of Kremlin critic Alexei Navaln will target the State Institute for Organic Chemistry and Technology as well as some security officials, the DPA news agency said on Wednesday, citing anonymous news.

“According to EU sources, the natural persons who will be subject to sanctions are employees of the state security services, and the organization is the State Research Institute for Organic Chemistry and Technology,” the agency said in a statement.

The names of those who will be subject to the latest sanctions will not yet be released.

A message issued by the DPA partially confirms information from anonymous sources cited earlier this month by the French daily Le Monde that the restrictions could apply to officials of the Russian presidential administration and the security services. It is planned to ban them from entering the Community and freeze their assets in the European Union.

On Wednesday, the EU Council agreed to impose sanctions on six people and one entity for poisoning the Russian opposition leader Navaln with one of Novičiok’s nerve-paralyzing substances, diplomats told AFP.

Ambassadors from all 27 EU countries supported the sanctions after France and Germany proposed such measures last week and declared that Russia was responsible for the Navaln poisoning.

In accordance with normal EU practice, the sanctions will not be announced until they go into effect on Thursday (travel bans and asset freezes), but it is speculated that they will be Russian officials.

Paris and Berlin said last week that they wanted to punish certain people “on the basis of their official duties” and an entity “participating in the Noviciok program.”

European powers have repeatedly called on Moscow to investigate the poisoning on Russian soil, but last week the French and German foreign ministers said in a joint statement that the Kremlin had not provided “any credible explanation.”

Possible sanctions against Russia began after the United Nations Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) confirmed the findings of Germany, France and Sweden that Navaln had been poisoned with nerve paralyzing material belonging to the Noviocok group formed in the Soviet Union.

In 2018, poison from the same group was used to target former Russian spy Sergei Skripal and his daughter in England, an incident that prompted Brussels to impose sanctions on four Russian military intelligence officials.

The new sanctions were endorsed by EU foreign ministers on Monday.

EU foreign policy chief Josep Borrell also lobbied Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov for the Navaln poisoning during telephone conversations on Tuesday.

Borrell’s office said it had asked Moscow to “do everything possible to ensure that the crime is fully and transparently investigated” and to cooperate with the OPCW.

Earlier on Wednesday, even before the announcement of such an EU decision, S. Lavrov declared that Russia would respond to any sanctions at the same time.

“Now the Germans do not intend to present any facts, despite all international legal obligations. We are responding in the form of a mirror, this is a diplomatic practice, “Lavrov said in an interview with Russian radio stations.

He noted that recent decisions by European countries to expel Russian diplomats and impose sanctions were “a sign of the good treatment of the United States and Great Britain.”

According to the minister, such decisions reflect not only diplomatic practice, but also humility in the face of the influence of the United States, which seeks to deter Europe from Russian gas, the military and other products.

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