Some Kaunas residents in the Seimas would like to see Harry Potter


A third doubt the benefits of dairy products

Although dairy products are rich in useful substances for humans, part of the country’s population still doubts the benefits of these products. About two-thirds (66%) are convinced of its benefits, according to a study commissioned by Lidl.

Almost three times less (23%) Lithuanians believe that only sour dairy products are healthy: sour milk, kefir or yogurt. Another tenth of Lithuanians think that dairy products are healthy and necessary only for children, and 3 percent. respondents believe that consuming dairy products is unhealthy.

“Although there is no shortage of criticism of dairy products in the public sphere at the moment, the protein they contain is an essential element for a healthy body: its lack weakens our immunity and slows down our metabolism. Another very important substance, vitamin A, also contributes to the strength of the immune system, it helps to maintain good vision. Finally, the calcium in dairy products has been necessary since childhood and leads to the formation of strong bones and teeth. Calcium is no less important in adulthood and reduces the risk of osteoporosis (thinning of the bones) ”, says the doctor.

Jūratė Dobrovolskienė

Calcium absorption is hampered by folic acid.

J. Dobrovolskienė says that in order to properly absorb certain useful substances in dairy products, we must pay attention to who we use these products with. According to a nutritionist, one example is folic acid in a large part of plants, which reduces the human body’s ability to absorb calcium.

“Folic acid is a water-soluble vitamin that is especially important for pregnant women. It can be found in various green leafy vegetables – spinach, mustard, dill, broccoli, etc. – in beans, black bread. Interestingly, acid Folic in plants is linked by certain bonds that inhibit the absorption of calcium in the body. This means that eating these vegetables and dairy products at the same time will lead to a worse absorption of calcium “, emphasizes the interlocutor.

The combination of vegetables and milk can be harmful to health

The dietitian spreads that another substance found in most foods, especially vegetables, oxalic acid, not only has a negative effect on calcium absorption, but can also harm the human body.

“Oxalic acid reacts with calcium to form natural toxins, oxalates, which can adversely affect our body. Because these compounds are insoluble, it can be said that oxalic acid” steals “calcium in our bodies and, in some In cases, oxalates entrench themselves in our tissues and begin to damage them. Most of the oxalic acid is found in potatoes, spinach, beets, berries, tomatoes, cocoa, and other places, so keep in mind that eating these foods with dairy products not only does it inhibit the absorption of calcium, but it also potentially damages your body ”, says the interlocutor.

Recommend pay attention to quality

J. Dobrovolskienė points out that another very important aspect to get the most out of dairy products is their quality. He adds that special labeling, which marks some products, can help select quality products.

“By using a quality and tested product, you can be sure that its value to our body will be greater and its composition will be carefully monitored. In most cases, quality products can be distinguished by noting the appropriate markings on the product packaging, which helps customers not only evaluate the product faster, but also have more confidence in its quality, ”says the dietitian.

Lithuanians care about the quality of dairy products

According to Ilona Čiužienė, Senior Director of Lidl Lietuva, milk and its products are one of the most widely used products by the population of the country. The composition of the products and their quality are also important for the country’s population, the study revealed.

“About half of the population mentioned the composition of dairy products as the most important aspect when choosing these products, and a quarter of Lithuanians would more often choose products with higher quality standards if traders started applying more requirements. strict for dairy products. Understanding the importance of dairy products and in order to facilitate your shopping experience, we have recently started marking some dairy products with a special quality seal, showing that more attention is paid to ensuring the quality of these products, ”says I. Čiužienė.

For the convenience of buyers: an extra step

According to Karol Lebednik, representative of the quality department of Lidl Lietuva, the products in the range of the sales network are the only ones in the country that have a quality seal awarded by the world leaders in quality research Eurofins. According to him, the brand in dairy products is one more step in the retail chain to facilitate the day-to-day life of the country’s population.

“By seeing this label, our customers can be sure of its quality, freshness and cleanliness, as there are detailed investigation plans for all products with the Eurofins seal. During them, the products are checked for acidity, microbiological safety and quality parameters, nutritional value tests and sensory evaluation are carried out, the allowable amount of heavy metals and toxins is monitored, and other qualitative physicochemical parameters are monitored. We hope this solution will help you select dairy products more quickly. and safe, of whose quality you will have no doubt ”, says K. Lebednik.
