Ministry reaches out to farmers: requests support for investment in agricultural holdings Business


According to Milda Jusienė, Chief Specialist of the 2nd Division of Support to the European Union of the Ministry of Agriculture (MoA), this area of ​​activity is intended for entities engaged in agricultural activities that meet the conditions and requirements established to receive support. According to her, the support funds help to increase the viability and competitiveness of farms, promote and create the conditions for the introduction of innovative and state-of-the-art technologies.

The need to support the agricultural sector is evidenced by the great interest. M.Jusienė explained that in 2014-2020. The scope of the RDP measure “Investment in tangible assets” “Aid for investments in agricultural holdings” is one of the most popular forms of aid.

“4,865 applicants have been approved as beneficiaries, for whom it is expected to allocate 375.8 million. 316 million euros have already been disbursed. In other words, applicants have already reached 72%. of the scope of activity 2014-2020. for the period 2007-2013 ”, he explained.

Photo by Alvydas Januševičius / Agriculture

Photo by Alvydas Januševičius / Agriculture

Financial support is especially important for agricultural entities that invest in the acquisition of new agricultural machinery and equipment, construction of new buildings and production structures, reconstruction or revision of existing ones, infrastructure management on the farm, acquisition of new equipment technological.

As of November 2. Until 18 December. For the second time this year, agricultural entities will be invited to use the PDR 2014-2020. Measure “Investments in tangible fixed assets” in the area of ​​activity “Support for investments in agricultural holdings”. Its main objectives are to modernize and restructure the material and technical base of the farm, increase farmers’ income from agriculture and related activities, promote the production of higher value-added agricultural products, promote the supply of renewable energy sources, by-products , waste and other non-food raw materials. use for bioeconomic purposes.

If the application is in support of horticulture, then all investments must be necessary for the performance of horticultural activities.

Among the supported activities – production of agricultural products; processing of commercial agricultural products produced / grown on the farm: sorting, packaging, assembling, etc .; as well as the processing and marketing or the purchase and disposal of agricultural products produced or grown on its properties by a recognized agricultural cooperative, the processing of agricultural products purchased or cultivated on the properties of its members, and the disposal of food and non-food products produced from them.

The Ministry of Agriculture indicates that the investments foreseen in the project must be directed to the agricultural sector for which aid has been requested and cannot be used for another branch of agriculture carried out by the applicant. In general, if an application for horticultural support is submitted, the entire investment must be necessary for the development of the horticultural business. Furthermore, the investment must be realistically planned, justified and adjusted to the productive potential of the applicant’s farm.

More information about the PDR 2014-2020. Measure “Investments in tangible assets” area of ​​activity “Support for investments in agricultural holdings” – HERE.
