The “peasant” leader Ramūnas Karbauskis: it is really easier to work in the opposition and the salary is no different


According to primary data from the CEC, LVŽS received 17.5 percent in the multi-member constituency. votes and 16 seats. They were second only to the Lithuanian Christian Democrats of the National Union with more than 24 percent. votes and 23 seats.

The Labor Party continues to line up, more than 9 percent. and 9 seats, the Lithuanian Social Democratic Party – 9 percent. and 8 mandates. The Freedom Party raised 9 percent. votes and secured 8 seats, the Liberal Movement – almost 7 percent. and 6 mandates.

He feared that the coronavirus would detain voters

First, Ramūnas Karbauskis was pleased that voters were active in the elections, although it was feared that there would be fewer votes for the coronavirus.

“Looking at the results, they finished in terms of seats since in the last election, we have a second place, only to the extent that the difference is greater than after the first round. The election is not over, as our political opponents say, everything will be clear after the second round. Four years ago, we had 47 second rounds and now we have 33. Whatever those second rounds are, it’s still hard to tell. We went to this election as a kind of exam, if it passed, not for me to decide, ”said R. Karbauskis.

Four years ago, we had 47 second rounds, and now we have 33. Whatever those second rounds are, it’s still hard to tell.

Health Minister Aurelijus Veryga, who met, also mentioned that there were many people who attended the elections, which shows that people feel safe.

“There have been some details that have altered the mood due to people in isolation, but these are isolated cases that do not change the substance. I am glad that people, despite COVID-19, see the second wave, appreciate the work done, ”said A.Veryga.

According to R. Karbauskis, no negotiations are taking place yet and cannot take place except for support in the second round. “Since most of our competitors in the second round are Conservative party candidates, our candidates in determined constituencies are now negotiating support with center-left party candidates on how to rally votes and achieve victories,” he said.

Photo by Sigismund Gedvila / 15min / Ramunas Karbauskis

Photo by Sigismund Gedvila / 15min / Ramunas Karbauskis

The final result is not yet planned.

The LVŽS leader also stated that until now no one can say which side will get the most votes, and now neither side has a majority. This is why the second round is so important.

“We all understand that, one way or another, it is the people’s choice. In this situation, it is not clear whether the results of the last elections will be repeated, with center-left voters joining their votes to center-left candidates. But I don’t know if it will be like that now, “said the leader of the” peasants. “

The opposition is not intimidated by the LVŽS, but the party president says so, although it would be a bit sad. “It is really easier to work in the opposition, and the salary is no different,” said R. Karbauskis, without denying that he could remain in the opposition during the new term, but promised to be a constructive opposition.

It would be regrettable if we removed, for example, the ban on the advertising of alcoholic beverages or some of the other decisions we have made.

He expressed his hope that the new ruling majority, without the LVU, will not reverse the “peasant” decisions, although he said that he had promised in the electoral campaign: “It would be regrettable if we abolished, for example, the prohibition of the advertising of alcoholic beverages or some other decisions we make. “

According to R. Karbauskis, if there is that will of the voters, they will be able to form a ruling majority with those who want to work together. He regretted the failure of the Polish electoral campaign of Lithuania: the Union of Christian Families, as well as the social workers of other current partners.

It will be difficult in Kaunas

R. Karbauskis said that a good result is when a party can form a ruling majority. “Now it is difficult to say how many Seimas members are needed to form a ruling majority. Our 16 seats now, 33 candidates in the second round, how many of them will win seats is difficult to say.” It is obvious today that some will win, because some of they are leading in the first round against the conservative candidates, “he said.

Now it is difficult to say how many members of the Seimas are needed to form a ruling majority.

However, R.Karbauskis admitted that in the second round it will be especially difficult in Kaunas, where six of the seven participants in the second round are “peasants”, easier – in rural areas. He did not mention Prime Minister Saulius Skvernelis, who entered the second round in Vilnius.

When asked what effect the coronavirus had on his results, R. Karbauskis did not rule out that it could help them, that voters could assess what the government was worth. “But we are not very happy with that, it would not have been better and people should not have to go through that,” he said, hoping that we will get vaccinated soon and make society even safer.

The leader of the “Peasants” mentioned to Vilnius that the results of the capital determined the worst results of his party. But that everything will depend on the second round.

The Freedom Party won’t work

To resign as party chairman, if the party does not form a ruling majority, R. Karbauskis himself is not yet considering: But as for the final result, it will become clear after the second round, then the party will consider those issues as our congress, the electoral congress, is scheduled. If the members of our party think that our results are not correct, they will have the opportunity to replace the president of the party. “

We are open to talk to everyone. But he could name a party on which it would be really impossible to agree: the Freedom Party.

According to him, a good result is the opportunity to form a ruling majority. Asked who he could and would not work with in the coalition, R. Karbauskis stated that he does not see the opportunity to work with parties that seek to legalize drugs in their programs: “We would not get over it.

Therefore, the Freedom Party would remain behind the line, said R. Karbauskis: “We are open to talk to everyone. But I could name a party with which it would be really impossible to reach an agreement: the Freedom Party. “

A.Veryga is not upset

A.Veryga positively evaluated his performance in the single-member Panemunė constituency in Kaunas, which did not have as many opportunities to work with voters as did his conservative opponent Gintarė Skaistė.

“COVID has practically excluded me from the electoral campaign in recent months. But I evaluate my performance very normally,” said A. Veryga.

On Sunday night, R. Karbauskis said he is calm, because so far the results are “excellent”, among other things, he expects the “peasant” candidates to be the favorites in the second round, especially in rural areas.
