Skvernel: The coalition could be made up of “peasants”, the Social Democrats and the Labor Party


“Based on the initial results, this would be seen by the Lithuanian Green and Peasant Union, the Social Democrats, the Labor Party, maybe something else will happen,” the prime minister told reporters at the “peasants’ headquarters in the capital.

S. Skvernelis said he hoped that current coalition partners, the Polish Lithuanian Election Campaign, the Union of Christian Families and the Social Democratic Labor Party, could also join the parliament.

“I hope that our current coalition partners, the Polish Lithuanian Election Campaign, the Union of Christian Families and the Social Democratic Labor Party, are on the border, and it is not clear what will happen to ‘Freedom and Justice’, he said.

As an alternative, he cited a coalition of conservatives, the Liberal Movement and the Freedom Party.

Skvernel said he did not see himself in a coalition with the Conservatives.

It is not considered a favorite in the county.

The leader of the “Campesinos” list was also pleased with the high turnout and acknowledged that greater turnout in cities would benefit right-wing parties.

“I am satisfied with the high level of participation, knowing the conditions under which we are voting this year, and it is natural in cities that greater participation means that the right-wing parties will get more votes,” Skvernelis said.

He is a candidate in the Pilaitė-Karoliniškės district of the capital, which is one of the most active: according to the latest data, 52.76 percent voted here. voters.

S. Skvernel did not dare to speculate whether high activity would affect his personal results.

“One should not speculate now, knowing that the district boundaries have changed and there is more concentration in Pilaitė, it can be everything,” said S. Skvernelis.

Stating that he was not considered a favorite in his constituency, he named Eugenijus Gentvilas, a Liberal Movement candidate, Ieva Pakarklytė, a Freedom Party candidate, and Conservative-nominated Radvilė Morkūnaitė-Mikulėnienė as his biggest competitors.

According to the prime minister, voter turnout may have also been affected by the coronavirus pandemic.

“The results are probably not difficult to predict not only in Lithuania, because everyone votes in strange conditions and this determines participation. Those people who are afraid, have health problems, probably did not come, the youngest are more active, have less risk, but let’s not guess, there is little to wait ”, considered S. Skvernelis.

In 2016, S. Skvernelis celebrated his victory in the then single-member constituency of Karolinišk after the second round, with Kęstutis Masiulis, a conservative candidate, coming second.
