Will a pandemic alone teach us to travel slower? Don’t give up hope 15MAX


But it is not necessary to make an artificial effort. If there is a desire, run, hurry, as far as possible. “When you tire of your desire to fly, you will naturally stop and look around calmly. And then a miraculous transformation will gradually begin ”, says Henrieta Miliauskienė, a guide who has chosen Slow snail nickname and introduce Lithuanians to other trips. Slow, unhurried, where you don’t swim to the surface, where you get into the stories.

H. Miliauskienė touched Europe during his long years of directing, he spent at least 6 months a year traveling, at the same time that even Paris had become his second home. It was only gradually that the realization that advantages were not the essence of the journey penetrated.

“The people around us and the creators can open up such spaces and galaxies for us that we won’t even notice empty airports,” he said. Go 15 minutes For readers, name the places where you will meet people who can be inspired. The Kings of Salt in Druskininkai, the hostess of the Bird House in Veriebieji, the fierce but ingenious wax master Fricas in Smalininkai or the sculptor who offers such coffee in Birštonas that everyone else will vanish.

Slow travel cannot be learned by coercion. It is not enough to go to town and stay in silence for a few days. Not necessarily and now stagnant tourism will make a positive difference. “Forced slowing down does not change a person’s self-awareness,” says H. Miliauskienė. – If we feed the baby at a higher rate, it will not become an adult every day. In tourism, the traveler must naturally go through certain stages of growth ”.

– Responsible and sustainable travel is being heard more and more. And what exactly is slow tourism? What are its essential principles and objectives?

– Very often we take the word ‘slow (i)’ directly and perceive it only as a rhythm. Then it would be enough to take a walk, close the house of silence, a yoga studio or prepare for a pilgrimage. All these forms of recreation-recreation have their own names: active recreation, health, pilgrimage tourism. Slow tourism is a bit more than that. It is a philosophy, a way of life, and that philosophy is encoded in the English acronym SLOW, where each letter has a deep meaning:

  • S – Sustainable
  • L – Local – local, authentic
  • THE – organic, natural
  • W – Comprehensive: covers everything.

Slow tourism service providers are personalities, very bright personalities with their philosophy of life, scale of values. They don’t like mass culture and they are not afraid of being white crows at all.

After communicating with those people, after being able to touch the everyday life of their personal lives, their creations, the authentic services created very often have to shake their values, and sometimes even try to understand the emotions they experience.

Slow tourism touches the top of the pyramid of travel needs, that is, the level of emotions and the mind. After playing Slow Tourism, the traveler looks at the world with different eyes.

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