Chef Deivydas Praspaliauskas and his beloved Rasa will become parents: expecting a first-born | Names


David shared this news publicly on his Facebook account.

Friends and friends, we will soon become “aunt and mom” with Russell. Fantasy, right? He rejoiced.

D.Praspaliauskas added that if there are people who want to contribute to the cultivation of future offspring with things or thoughts, he will be happy to wait with his beloved.

“Before we empathize with the role of parents and the pursuit of all the little things, we will gladly accept cribs and strollers or high chairs for adults and, of course, the most important tips,” David wrote on Facebook.

Greetings to Intended Parents added to the post.

Recently, on the TV show “Bus Everything”, D.Praspaliauskas spoke about the challenges he faced when the Covid-19 crisis came: “Amandus” was emptied and had to keep the business somehow. During this difficult time, it became clear, according to David, who were the partners and friends of the Amandus restaurant, and who were only the beneficiaries. David learned to adapt and appreciate every penny, every crumb of food. He realized that he could do a lot himself.

During the quarantine, he prepared and took the food home. New smaller facilities appeared in Užupis, they began to install them with their own hands. Friends, colleagues and the most loyal customers came to the rescue. The parties of the officially renovated restaurant have not yet managed to do so, as soon as the door was opened, the customers began to flow and the restaurant was always full from day one.

15 minutes recalls that Deivydas Praspaliauskas had previously married economist Mildas Savickaitė, but In 2018, the court ended the couple’s one-and-a-half-year marriage. by consensus.

The reason for the divorce was the name of the two.
