Get rid of lice effortlessly, just follow these steps


How to know if the lice eggs – glindas – are alive? How long should the treatment be continued? Is it possible to infect furniture lice? A. Bartulienė, epidemiologist, answers these and other frequently asked questions for parents.

How do lice get infected?

Lice can be spread through close contact (head-to-head with an infected person), such as during a friendly hug or play. The main route of spread of lice is from head to head, in close contact or through combs, hair brushes, changing hats and keeping them together.

Is it possible to infect cattle with lice?

No. They are a human parasite and feed on human blood, according to the report.

How to understand that these are lice?

The main sign of cattle lice infection is glindas (lice eggs) in the hair. Their abundance is greater than that of adult lice, they are not active, difficult to remove from the hair. Lice bites are itchy, which can cause scabs on the incisors, forehead, and back of the neck.

Lice feed on human blood, live and reproduce on the hairy part of the head, laying eggs mainly in the area of ​​the incense, occiput and hair of the forehead.

Is it true that lice are only found on unattended (dirty) hair?

It is wrong to associate lice with dirty hair. They are not fussy and also live with clean hair.

Do lice transmit disease?

No, lice are not known to transmit disease. However, constant scratching can cause inflammation of the skin.

How long can lice survive hair loss (in the environment)?

An adult louse that is removed from a person’s scalp cannot survive more than 24 hours.

Is it possible to infect lice with pillows and furniture?

Lice generally do not move over dead objects, as they tend to stay where survival needs are met (in this case, heat, food). If lice were left on a pillow or furniture, they usually crawl onto the scalp, where there is heat, food.

Do lice jump, fly, swim?

No. Lice do not have strong hind legs to jump on. They also do not have wings and cannot fly.

How to get rid of lice?

They can be styled with dense combs. Combed lice should be destroyed, and the comb should be thoroughly washed in hot water, cleaned and soaked 4-5% for half an hour. vinegar solution.

Hygiene measures are also important in the family and groups: regular haircuts, daily combing, washing hair and body with a special shampoo or lotion, changing bedding and underwear, washing, cleaning outer clothing, beds , environment.

Medications to kill lice (pediculicides) should only be used after rinsing the lice and in consultation with a pharmacist or doctor. Drugs for this purpose are purchased at a pharmacy and used strictly according to the description of the drug on the package insert. If live lice are observed on the scalp after application of the drug, the process should be repeated with another drug.

Lice must be destroyed by all members of the family. All infected people in the family or team should receive the same lice-killing medicine at the same time.

Headdress, bedding, pillows (if washed) should be thoroughly washed with water over 60ºC, combs and other hair care items should be washed or soaked 4-5%. vinegar solution 30 min.

How do I know if the slugs are alive or dead?

The glindas, located 1 cm from the scalp, are newly assembled and alive. Glinds that are farthest from the scalp (through hair) hatch or die.

Should the child’s head be checked after the lice have been removed?

Because glinda erupts within 7 days, it is important to check the baby’s hair at least once every 7 days after treatment to make sure there are no new lice. If new lice are found, a second treatment is necessary. By inspecting your hair once a week, you can detect lice early and thus limit their spread.

Should I tell someone that we have livestock in a family of lice?

If you are infected with lice, there is no need to hide it or be embarrassed. Head lice are very common, which is why most people get head lice at least once in their lives. It is important to inform health professionals about the infection at the school, nursery, or kindergarten your child attends. This will allow them to verify all of the child’s close contacts and arrange treatment if necessary. It can also prevent reinfections and save time and effort in the future.
