The President of Kyrgyzstan has ordered the introduction of troops into the capital


“The General Staff of the Armed Forces (instructed) to bring military units to the area of ​​the city of Bishkek with military equipment to form checkpoints, prevent armed clashes, guarantee law and order and protect the peaceful population,” the The presidency issued an emergency order on Friday.

The Bishkek Command was also empowered to ban sports, entertainment and other mass events, as well as protests, rallies, rallies, street marches, rallies and pickets, and to exercise control of the media in areas declared in state of emergency.

On the territory of Bishkek, special requirements may also be imposed regarding the use of means of communication and restrictions on vehicle traffic.

An AFP correspondent said new clashes broke out between supporters from different political camps in Bishkek on Friday.

As crowds of supporters of political groups vying for the right to form a government gathered in the center of the city, fighting broke out between them.

Protesters smashed car windows and guards from one of the groups fired into the air. In the wake of the unrest, the top leaders of the rival camps were evacuated from the protest site.

The Kyrgyz leader’s order states that the decision to impose the state of emergency was taken “to ensure the protection of the health and life of citizens, their safety, as well as the rapid stabilization of the social and political situation and the establishment of the public order in the city “.

The political crisis in Kyrgyzstan began on October 5, with voters taking to the streets to protest the results of the eve of the parliamentary elections, in which only four of the 16 parties ran for parliament. On October 6, the election results were annulled.

Earlier on Friday, President Zhenbekbek removed the country’s prime minister and his government. Rallies are taking place in Kyrgyzstan between supporters of the current government and opposition groups.
