Hydrangea Park – Here you can see the lush autumnal beauty


However, the hydrangea grower is happy that people like his idea and says that these flowers are now extremely popular. Therefore, it plans to expand the park and legalize it.

A beautiful flower

When the brightly colored summer flower beds fade, the hydrangeas lift their proud heads. Not surprisingly, many call them queens of vegetation. Hydrangea bouquets reminiscent of fragile lace clouds are striking in size, shape, and delight in colors until late fall.

Recently, hydrangeas – one of the most popular ornamental plants. In a courtyard, garden, park, frequent urban space, the eye is attracted by lush, lonely bushes or graceful trees, charming combinations of different species and varieties of hydrangeas, their mixed compositions with flowers, other green plants.

The M. Bilkis nursery also grows other shrubs, deciduous and coniferous trees, but hydrangeas probably occupy most of the nursery area.

“I grow hydrangeas because they bloom for almost three and a half months. A very rare flower that blooms for so long. The park came out accidentally. I did it by myself, but now I see that it will be for the public. As it is already, we will have to expand the park, because people’s interest is incredibly high ”, smiles the hydrangea lover.

There will only be hydrangeas in the park.

When asked if he plans to expand the park, if it will be just hydrangeas, the man confirms:

“It just came to our knowledge then. Such is the time that this flower is not only one of my favorites but also of many people. I grow two types of hydrangeas: ‘Vanille Fraise’ and ‘Melba Fraise’. At first they bloom in color white and then the flowers turn red. The most important thing is that they do not need special care. The only thing is that they have to be pruned once a year. If you put a film on your site and cover it with pebbles, you do not even need to fertilize them, and the soil moisture is sufficient “.

According to M. Bilkis, he has been working with plants for twelve years.

“Besides hydrangeas, I also grow other plants. But hydrangeas are the base. So the idea of ​​planting the slopes of the pond with hydrangeas came up. I think I will definitely make a bigger park. Now it has more than 500 hydrangeas and I have about 50 thousand for sale ”, calculated Marius.

The hydrangea grower says that people are also interested in yours emerald.

“They are very suitable for hedges, they grow fast. Mountain pines are still popular. They are suitable for planting on slopes. It is safe to say that these three plants, hydrangeas, yours, mountain pines, are the most favorite and popular. On the other hand On the other hand, people need other trees, from dwarf to tall deciduous or coniferous ”, presented M. Bilkis.

Marius bilkis

Marius bilkis

© JP / Rimvydas Ančerevičius

Getting more popular in hours

Hydrangea grower M. Bilkis explains that expanding the park space is enough.

“I have about 11 hectares of land, so there will be enough room for the park to expand. Now there are only 20 acres planted with hydrangeas. I still don’t know how to expand the park. All I know is that I will actually expand the park. Then I will make paths, build benches, arches. People want to take photos, it is necessary to somehow design a hydrangea park, to adapt it to photo shoots. I will have time to reflect on how the hydrangea park should look in the winter ”Said Marius and stated that he plans to open the park next year.

According to the interlocutor, hydrangeas become popular not in days but in hours.

“At first when I started this business, I sold 10-20 of them a year, and now I sell tens of thousands of them, people all over Lithuania want them. As a result, hydrangeas bloom for a long time and practically bloom until Also, it does not require special care. Every year the bushes continue to grow, more and more flowers spread. In a few years there will be a sea of ​​flowers here. A bush lives for about 75 years and the further it advances, the more beautiful it becomes, all beauty reveals itself over the years, ”continued M. Bilkis, praising hydrangeas.


light hydrangea (Hydrangea arborescens). The varieties ‘Grandiflora’ and ‘Annabelle’ are grown most frequently in Lithuania. It is a bush 1 to 1.5 m high, the flowers are white or greenish-white;

Hydrangea paniculata, and the varieties ‘Brussel’s Lace’, ‘Burgundy Lace’, ‘Grandiflora’ and ‘Kyushu’ are grown in Lithuania. It is a 2 m tall shrub, with broom-shaped flowers, white, then reddish;

climbing hydrangea (Hydrangea petiolaris). It is a climbing liana. The rings are greenish white;

oakleaf hydrangea (Hydrangea quercifolia). It is a 1.2-2.5 m tall shrub. The flowers are creamy white in color, appreciated for the decorative leaves that change color when planted in a sunny location.
