Tripods continue to heat passions – police acknowledged mistake only by considerably straining their nerves


Tripods still warm the passions. More precisely, it is not about tripods, but about police communication.

The man, upon receiving the notification that he had been caught for speeding, was determined to pay the fine, but it turns out that he was not even driving on the indicated road. After trying to find out the situation, he was sent elsewhere until finally officials said the incident had been recorded elsewhere. A police spokesman explained this as a technical error and acknowledged that it was much easier and faster to find out.

“It just came to our notice then. September 12 around 12 pm Three other people and I started the car towards Lazdijai. We drove on the Šeduva – Kėdainiai – Owls – Babtai – Kaunas – Alytus – Lazdijai road. We were there at 3. in the afternoon, it took us about an hour and we headed the same route. We were home around 9 pm, “Mantas began on Facebook.

September 14 morning contacted him by email. a letter with the Traffic Violation Protocol (KET). “I am not afraid of responsibility in any way, so I don’t panic. I scratch my eyes and get familiar with the protocol in passing,” the man continues.

The report indicates that he drove at 101 km / h. at a speed of 90 km / h. A fine of six euros was imposed.

“16 of September. I sit in front of the computer to pay the fine, but I keep flirting where I was driving so irresponsibly here. There are no photos or other evidence of the person driving in the report, but only I drove that day, so it doesn’t matter. I enter the longitude and latitude specified in the protocol and send them. Mane Shooting on the road “Via Baltica”, where not only was I not there that day, but I probably was not even once this year, “wrote Mantas.

After writing down a request for access to all the minutes, the man received information that his letter had been sent to another responsible person. Then Mantas got in touch with him too. Here you received an instruction to complete the application on the portal. Complete, request an excerpt / transcript. There is a silence of the week.


Neither the calls with questions and the situation described, nor the contact with other channels – through social networks – help. Laukit.

“October 4 I’m calling you again. The woman answers again. I’m asking about the other side, that is, how long does it take to receive the information after completing the application. It says that in ten business days. Then I ask why I don’t understand. Then we count the days together. Then we count the 12 days together. Then silence. So my question: what do I do? Then I get the answer that another colleague will answer here and that I will be connected. Connect. I heard the symphonies for about 10 minutes. Anyway, that other colleague doesn’t respond that way. I explain the situation again, we recount the days. […] Then he says that he will pass it on to another colleague to send. So I say that I have already had ten business days to send it and that I will have to go to court immediately because I cannot pay the fines because I do not understand what is being punished at the moment. He says he has a lot of work and he can’t manage it, but he will definitely send it, ”said the man.

October 6 comes the photo. “Surprise! The photo is really my car and really my number, BUT the coordinates and time given in that photo, which is used as indisputable proof of the violation, with fatal errors, that is, the speedometer shows a location completely different from the photo taken. This indicates that at the time I was photographed, the device (hereinafter referred to as a tripod) did not work well, that is, it worked with distorted parameters and there is incontrovertible evidence from the police “, Mantas tried to summarize.

Thank you for sharing your story, from which we, as an organization, will learn some lessons.

October 7 was reached by letter with a new protocol. “The document has been adjusted to be ‘convenient’,” the indignant man said, asking why he was being punished for a KET violation that he had registered as faulty equipment.

After Mantas’ speech, Ramūnas Matonis, Head of the Communication Department of the Police Department, explained that the Lithuanian Highway Police Service received information about incorrect coordinates until 5 October. “It turned out that the officer who built the speedometer did not enter the local coordinates, but the coordinates do not affect finding the speedometer in any way. Incorrectly indicated coordinates in the registry were removed and the correct violation registry address was entered, and in addition the KET violation data protocol was formed, ”said R. Matonis.

Police admitted that Mantas received a response from not within 10 business days, as is undertaken, but within 15 business days.

He clarified that the speedometer has a GPS receiver, but if it is moved to another location and the officer does not manually mark the new location, the coordinates of the previous location are maintained.

“I agree that communication with you was not adequate, we are already addressing this issue, I have no doubt that in the future a person will be able to obtain the desired information much more easily. Thank you for sharing your story, from which we, as an organization, will learn certain lessons, ”said R. Matonis.
