Confusing registration system of LSMU Kaunas Hospital: client has registered but does not know where to go


Not a single resident of Kaunas, but also a guest of the city of Kaunas has previously been outraged by the confusion caused by similar names of the medical institutions of the temporary capital: LSMU Kaunas Clinic, Kaunas Clinical Hospital and Kaunas Republican Hospital (the name of the third hospital is spread among citizens). The Kaunas Clinical Hospital had one unit in the center: the former Red Cross, and people called the Kaunas Clinical Hospital the second hospital.

It seems that after the announcement of the merger of Kaunas Clinical and Republican Kaunas Hospitals in early September, there should have been less confusion, but the new name of the complex did not bring clarity: LSMU Kaunas Hospital. Therefore, the names of the two medical institutions operating in Kaunas now sound very similar: LSMU Kaunas Clinic and LSMU Kaunas Hospital.

“After the merger of LSMU, several hospitals with the same name went under. If you register online, you do not know which department to go to, because all the names are the same and the address cannot be seen in the electronic health portal, that is, the registration has no value. To find out where to go, you need to call all the departments in a row and ask if the specified doctor works there. Try calling the reception.

I have called all the numbers that appear in a row, some of the numbers are not even available, and a call from a mobile phone that appears at the reception says “you have called the internal number you want, no information is provided”.Belekas embedded here “.

I only found where the doctor I registered with was and which direction I should go when I called three departments. Take a look at this problem, you can actually make a change that is small but it would help many patients, especially the elderly, “he said. 15 minutes appealed to John (name changed).

Photo by Reader Jonas / Photo of the registration system taken by a patient at LSMU Kaunas Hospital

Photo by Reader Jonas / Photo of the registration system taken by a patient at LSMU Kaunas Hospital

According to him, minor adjustments should be made: in the information system, to add the address to the name specified in the parameters of the departments.

“The registry itself is very complicated. For example, you must choose a service that is not specifically mentioned in the GP referral. Do you know when to choose” palliative therapy, pain management “and when to choose” trigeminal neuralgia “? All these services are performed by the same doctor. Also, when changing filters, the system makes mistakes, “said Jonas.

Patient complaint 15 minutes transferred to LSMU Kaunas Hospital. According to Jūratė Kuzmickaitė, representative of the Department of Communication and Marketing of this medical institution, the names of the Consultation Polyclinics of the LSMU Kaunas Hospital – former Kaunas and Kaunas Republican Clinical Hospitals – and their addresses at Hipodromo and Josvainių streets are shown in the photo of the fixed registration system of the complainant.

“It just came to our notice then. Currently, LSMU Kaunas Hospital has two outpatient clinics. Preparations for the merger of the medical units will take place in the summer, after which they will merge in a few months, eliminating some of the duplication of functions. We have been communicating and communicating about the two stages of the hospital merger: non-medical units (it has already been carried out) and medical units (it is expected to take about a year). Until the medical departments are not connected , there may be more than one place where the same medical service is provided, the same specialist can work in two directions, etc. ”, said J. Kuzmickaitė.

Representative of the LSMU Kaunas Hospital: “Correction in the information system is not a 5-minute job.”

According to her, only two hospitals have merged, but with their departments: Psychiatric Clinic (departments in Aleksotas and Žiegždriys), Nursing Clinic (in Garliava and Vičiūnai), Christian Maternity Hospital (Miško Street), P.Mažylis Maternity Hospital (V .Putvinskė Street), Department of Pediatrics in Kačerginė and Vičiūnai.

“It just came to our knowledge then. Not to mention that in the same, now an LSMU Kaunas hospital, surgeons, therapists, pediatricians, anesthesiologists, resuscitators and rehabilitators will work on Šilainiai and Aukštoji Šančiai at the same time, until the merger radiologists and pathologists. Some of them will work in more than one direction, until the reorganization of the medical units takes place.

Correction in the information system is not a 5 minute job, the IT department of LSMU Kaunas Hospital works hard, every day, to provide patients with the greatest possible clarity. The material to be posted on the newly developed website of the LSMU Kaunas Hospital (currently in operation it is only a temporary website) is by no means 5 minutes, ”said the interlocutor.

According to her, if the patient does not know what he is specifically complaining about, perhaps the family doctor writing the referral could explain it to him.

“We are still thinking about the best way to provide one, for example, the specialization of a traumatologist, or more detailed information, because one doctor specializes in the treatment of the elbow, another, the knee joint.

The registration function is currently being improved. Thank you for sharing a complaint from a patient, because it is at this point that what is inconvenient for patients is being analyzed, it is not clear what should be reduced or reversed, expanded, we are testing what information is missing and perhaps redundant and only complicates the search. The system is adjusting, it can be said that it is developing these days. We apologize if the patient experienced discomfort. Hopefully it will run smoothly soon.

Previously, it was possible to register through, we are now adapting the pre-registration system for patients This is what employees of LSMU Kaunas Hospital do; this fact probably answers the question of how much money was spent on that, ”explained J. Kuzmickaitė.

According to her, after registering through the patient pre-registration system, she shows a specific location of the department with the address.

When asked why it is so difficult to call the reception phone numbers, the representative from the LSMU Kaunas Hospital replied that the reception phones are not turned off, a misleading signal can only be heard when many patients are calling at the same time.

As of September 8 this year, the LSMU Kaunas Hospital became operational in Kaunas, to which the Kaunas Clinical Hospital is being reorganized and will be connected to the Kaunas Republican Hospital.

The reorganization, approved by the stakeholders of the hospitals, the Ministry of Health and the Lithuanian University of Health Sciences (LSMU), aims to improve the quality of treatment services.

Five large polyclinics merged into a Kaunas city polyclinic several times ago.
