Veryga – on the possibility of going back to quarantine: anything can happen


“It just came to our knowledge then. Predicting is ungrateful. Clearly, there are objective circumstances that allow us to be more optimistic than in spring. First, that we know the disease better, we know how to treat it, the doctors are better prepared.

But if it begins to spread uncontrollably throughout the country and doctors can no longer provide help, tougher measures will have to be taken, “said the head of the Ministry of Health (SAM) on Thursday.

He explained why there is no rush to introduce quarantine.

There has been talk for a long time that there will be no quarantine because nobody wants to slow down the economy. Could it be that the quarantine is not necessary just for financial reasons, even though the situation is worse than before the first wave?

“And yes and no. Those who say that a total closure will undoubtedly have consequences for businesses, for the economy, for people’s lives are truly right. We have to weigh all the time how much and what we can do, how long a person can survive. country in a closed and non-functioning way. But not only business is important, health is also important. In this situation, we are between the hammer and the anvil: knowing that the population needs to provide health services, we call on the health institutions to be as open as possible and provide those services to people. On the other hand, there is a risk that the infection ends up in a medical institution, “said A. Veryga in the program.

According to the minister, not only Lithuania, but also other countries are trying to find a golden mean between restrictions and permits.

According to the minister, there is no single number when restrictions have already been introduced, because the number of diseases cannot be analyzed by itself, because currently most young people are sick. Thus, according to A. Veryga, hospital employment is controlled.

“Such an indicator, from which we think we should start looking more closely at both the provision of services and other restrictions, is 70%. Occupancy of designated beds COVID-19. We now have about 40 percent,” said A Veryga.

Advised on November 1

Veryga - on the possibility of going back to quarantine: anything can happen

When asked if there are any restrictions planned for the weekend of November 1, Veryga said: “So far, no restrictions are planned that affect the entire country, at least for now, but of course we will inform, encourage and encourage the population to act in a very responsible manner. because it is not Christmas or Easter, when people come together to celebrate, to stay, to sit at the table. November 1 is a day when you go to visit the graves of loved ones and those meetings and stays with relatives can be avoided without sacrificing the meaning of the day itself and the commemoration.

But we will definitely encourage people to avoid browsing and going out to visit the graves, perhaps to keep a distance there, if there really is such an inevitable need to communicate, meet, but avoid meetings indoors, avoid meetings with older people , for whom that infection can be especially dangerous. But no special restrictions are foreseen for today. “

Raseini residents would be reimbursed for costs

According to the head of SAM, after the quarantine is announced, Raseiniai will be able to ask the government for compensation for certain expenses.

If stricter restrictions were put in place, according to Veryga, they would be where the virus is most likely to spread.

“The municipalities that faced the most acute, Raseiniai himself, had adapted many of the measures that the Government also offered them. I certainly wouldn’t dare to guess where the restrictions should apply first. But it is logical that the virus has the greatest opportunity to spread where people gather, various events, social gatherings, celebrations, night catering. There are the most likely restrictions if the virus continues to spread, “the minister said.

Will assess the situation in Raseiniai

According to A. Veryga, there is a high probability that after 2 weeks of quarantine Raseiniai can return after a normal life, but it will depend on the awareness of the population.

Raseiniai from a bird's eye view

Raseiniai from a bird’s eye view

© DELFI / Birutė Davidonytė

“But if we look at it together, how long does it take to get into a bad situation and then get out of it, then 2 weeks was enough for a situation like Raseiniai’s. Usually it takes 8 weeks to get out of such a situation if the situation it is difficult to handle. But the period may be shorter, “said A. Veryga.

“We really cannot rule out situations like those that occur in medical institutions or in the Raseiniai social care institution itself, where the situation is really complicated and after isolating the staff, we need to seek outside help. But you will do nothing, everything will. If we do not intend to close everything and stop those institutions, we must accept that such chimneys arise ”, said A. Veryga.

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