The Šiauliai officers’ operation brought the whole of Lithuania to its feet: more than 70 searches were carried out


The police reported that an operation organized by the Economic Crimes Investigation Board of the Šiauliai County Police, the Šiauliai County State Tax Inspectorate and the Šiauliai Regional Public Prosecutor’s Office was being carried out on that day. was conducting a pre-trial investigation into the activities of a Šiauliai company launched by Šiauliai officials this summer. Since the threads of its activity stretched throughout Lithuania, it was necessary to inspect all economic entities related to that company in business relations at the same time.

During the operation, more than 70 searches were made throughout the country, with the assistance of local officials. During them, important items for the investigation were searched and taken: computers, data carriers, mobile phones, documents, money.

In total, about 240 thousand euros were taken to establish their origin and to know if they were obtained from legal activities. During the search of the house of the director of the company, even the fire brigade had to be called for help. According to the director, he could not find the key to the safe in any way, so he had to open the safe by cutting the door. He found more than 23 thousand euros.

Forensic scientists from Šiauliai launched this investigation after receiving information that the Šiauliai company, which deals in tires throughout Lithuania, is suspected of acting dishonestly and, in order to avoid taxes, does not record all income received in accounting and submit data incorrect information on income and benefits to the Tax Inspection.

It is suspected that since 2018 January 1 until September 29 of this year, the owner of the company, assisted by two other employees of the company, fraudulently maintained the company’s accounting, which makes it impossible to partially determine the activities, assets , equity, liabilities and structure of the company during that period.

It is believed that, following the director’s instructions, the manager of the company organized the sale of part of the production, tires, to various economic entities without accounting documents. Cash received from customers was turned over by company drivers to the company administrator, who did not provide the accountant who kept the accounts with the main accounting documents for the inclusion of the sale of goods in the company accounts. As a result, the accountant failed to record the receipt of at least EUR 300,000 in the company’s accounts and transferred the unaccounted-for income to the director.

The latter, as responsible for the organization of the company’s accounting and in order to avoid taxes, in the period 2018-2020 completed and submitted to the Šiauliai County State Tax Inspectorate statements containing incorrect data on the income of the company.

A pre-trial investigation was conducted and charges were made against the 51-year-old company director for fraudulent accounting and misrepresentation of income, earnings and assets.

His accomplices, a 42-year-old alleged company manager and a 37-year-old administrator who committed the crime together, have been charged with complicity and fraudulent accounting.

Two individuals were also suspected of having transactions with the fraudulent accounting firm and misrepresentation of income, earnings and assets.

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