The debate over the candidates for vice president of the United States is completely different from that of Trump and Biden


Harris argued in the debate that Donald Trump’s actions during the coronavirus pandemic prevented him from being elected to a second term, and Pence tried to portray his opponent as a far-left candidate.

27 days before the US presidential election and D. Trump had COVID-19, Pence and Harris were separated by a plexiglass plate in a security debate.

Harris, who in the event of a Democratic victory would become the highest-ranking woman in American history, immediately attacked in the debate Trump’s failure to deal with the coronavirus crisis, which killed more than 210,000 people. in United States. people.

“The American people have witnessed the greatest failure of the presidential administration in the history of our country. In fact, this is the only reason this administration has lost the right to be reelected,” said the California senator and former Attorney General K. Harris of the University of Utah.

Harris accused the White House of failing to take urgent action, despite the information available on the dangers of COVID-19, saying that Trump viewed healthcare workers as “victim workers.”

“The president said it was a hoax. They have downplayed the severity of the (crisis),” Harris said.


It is true that after a messy debate between Joe Biden and Trump 8 days ago, the debates between Pence and Harris were calmer, but the candidates were completely at odds on the pandemic.

“I want the American people to know that from day one, President Donald Trump was primarily concerned about American health,” Pence said, recalling that Trump banned travel from China on January 31, a month after the first COVID. -19 cases of diagnosis in Uhane.

He also stressed that the Democrats’ plan to fight the coronavirus sounds “like plagiarism, and Joe Biden knows a little more about it.”

However, compared to Trump, Pence was quite calm and congratulated Harris on the historical significance of his candidacy.

Ms. Harris is the daughter of a Jamaican and Indian immigrant, she would also be the first black vice president of the United States.

Pence, for his part, tried to portray her as a radical, arguing that Harris was more of the left than the socialist Bernie Sanders.

“More taxes, more regulation, a ban on hydraulic fracturing, a ban on fossil fuels, the destruction of American energy, China’s surrender economically will lead to America’s decline,” Pence said, assuming Biden said. The Democrat himself probably would not agree with that.

When asked about the climate, Pence said that “the climate is changing” but said market solutions would be the best way to reduce carbon emissions.

Although both candidates discussed some issues, they avoided talking about specific measures of their policies and on issues that divided society, such as abortion and the Supreme Court.

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