Lithuanian scientific community is disappointed with the award of the Nobel Prize in Chemistry


Virginijus iknys, President of the Board of Trustees of the UAB CasZyme Biotechnologij. Photo by Judita Grigelyts (V)

According to the Vice Chancellor of Vilnius University prof. Edita Suiedliens, the Lithuanian scientific community is disappointed that Professor Virginijus Iknys has not been awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry for the so-called gender technology.

I met the Nobel Prize in Chemistry for the French Emmanuelle Charpentier and the American Jennifer A. Doudna.

From the beginning, Professor V. Iknys has been in line with today’s winners, so it is very disappointing. It should be noted that in 2018, the three discovered and developed the Kavli Prize for the discovery and development of the CRISPR phenomenon, so there were many reasons to hope that the VU scholars could be among the Nobel Prize winners. That scientific community had high hopes, prof. Mr. Suiedlien quoted BNS.

It is important that the Kavli Prize in Nanoscience awarded by the Norwegian Academy of Sciences and Humanities was shared by prof. V. iknys from Vilnius University, E. Charpentier from the Max Planck Society, and JA Doudna from the University of California at Berkeley. The technology developed by scientists allows to edit the DNA of organisms with great precision. This opens up opportunities to treat genetic diseases or create new breeds of plants and animals. Both prof. V. iknys with the team, both prof. E. Charpentier and prof. A. Doudna introduced the technology in 2012.

Genome editing research, in which V. iknys, a distinguished professor at the VU Life Science Center (GMC), specializes with the team, has rocked the world of science in recent years. We found prof. V. ikni also received the prestigious Warren Alpert Award from Harvard University. Almost a fifth of the award winners are too.

The decision is difficult to interpret

According to prof. E. Suiedliens, a new year is a very short period of time during which an award is awarded, which means that it really is a very important contribution to scientific knowledge. When asked by BNS what could have determined that the Lithuanian researcher did not receive the award, the VU vice-rector considered that this could be related to the possible greater contribution of researchers in the application of technology in various fields.

The discoveries of both V. iknis and the group and of E. Charpentier and A. Doudna were approximately the same. It is difficult to interpret the decision of the Nobel Committee. May have been influenced by specific applications, further development. But you can only spit here, she says.

week I was announced in 2020. physiology and medicine and physics award winners. The winners of the Literature, Peace and Economics Awards will be announced in the coming days.

The winners of the Literary and Peace Prize will receive the most attention on Thursday and Friday, and the announcement of the winner of the Economic Prize will end next Monday.

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