Tighter requirements for mass events will help prevent coronavirus infection


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The Government approved the draft amendment to the Resolution on the State Emergency Declaration presented by the Ministry of the Interior, one of the main objectives of which is to modify the principles for the preparation of the list of Affected Countries approved by the Minister of Health.

The draft resolution includes in the list of affected countries those countries with a morbidity rate of 10% at 14 days. and more exceeds the corresponding morbidity rate of the Republic of Lithuania. Additional epidemiological criteria (test coverage rate, percentage of positive test results, availability of information, hospitalization rate) also need to be assessed when listing third countries.

The updated Government Resolution expands the definition of events to include non-commercial public events such as city festivals, festivals, etc. organized meetings of people.

The resolution also establishes the mandatory distribution of tickets to the event or the registration of participants regardless of the number of spectators (participants). To ensure flow control and traceability of contacts, the event organizer has the obligation to control spectator access to the event venue.

This last requirement is very important for massive events where it is not possible to predict the number of participants and ensure compliance with other requirements.

To date, it has not been possible to trace the contacts of up to 300 participants in the events, which means that it is impossible to identify the chain of transmission of the infection and control the process. It should be noted that in many foreign countries the number of participants in the events is limited and the necessary conditions are established, while in Lithuania the number of participants is not limited.

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