Quite about restrictions on medical facilities – this would be a last resort


“We see that the issue is being actively discussed and, apparently, it may generate some fears in a part of the population, because before making any decision they wonder if services will be available.

It is to assure the population that the suspension of services will be the last resort. In the first place, other measures will be introduced that may restrict some activities, but no one will start from the suspension of health services, especially those scheduled or others, ”said the Minister.

We invite you to see the recording of the live broadcast:

He stressed that the situation in hospitals is being closely monitored.

“Today we have 39 percent of the so-called COVID-19 spare beds occupied. That is up to 75 percent. there are still tolokas. As far as I have had to follow the messages and speeches of those responsible for the polyclinics, who rightly fear that the services will be more difficult to access when the population is detained.

I understand that the managers are ready, they manage the flows properly, therefore there is no reason to stop the planned service ”, said A. Veryga.

What would be a warning sign?

The Minister specified that one of the criteria for limiting treatment services is the occupancy rate of COVID-19 reserve beds.

According to him, 75 percent. the so-called yellow traffic light would be lit and this would be a signal to rethink the processes involved in the provision of scheduled services in hospitals.

“Due to outpatient services, those indicators were compiled earlier, it was planned that 50 cases in Lithuania and 100 cases in a specific municipality.

We will certainly review these indicators, but they do not correlate much with inpatient employment. That is why it is necessary to change them ”, she said.

Recommendations for Raseiniai in quarantine

At the same time, he commented on the situation in the Raseiniai municipality.

“Yesterday the recommendations of the National Center for Public Health on the possible establishment of quarantine or quarantine conditions were sent to the municipality of Raseiniai. Precisely this afternoon there will be a meeting of the Commission on Emergency Situations and we will see if the recommendations are taken into account, ”said the Minister.

At the same time, the Minister thanked the doctors who volunteered and provided assistance in Blinstrubiškės.

The portal tv3.lt recalls that the mayor of Raseiniai has requested medical help in a social care home.

81 new cases

Yesterday 81 cases of COVID-19 infection were confirmed in the country. Of these, 32 cases were confirmed in Vilnius, 31 in Kaunas, 12 in Šiauliai, 3 in Tauragė, 1 in each of Panevėžys, Telšiai and Alytus counties, reports the National Center for Public Health (NVSC). 5 deaths from coronavirus were also reported, bringing the total number of deaths to 99.

Yesterday there were also 3 import cases from Belarus, Sweden and the Czech Republic detected.

For people whose infection circumstances are unknown, 11 cases were confirmed yesterday.

34 cases were confirmed after contact, but according to preliminary data, these cases are not classified as outbreaks.

Yesterday 33 outbreaks were confirmed. In Kaunas County, 4 cases were confirmed, of which 1 was secondary, in the Kaunas Police Chief Commissariat outbreak. A total of 22 cases have been linked to this outbreak.

The 2 cases identified yesterday refer to an outbreak at the Wisdom School, with a total of 19 cases.

One case is associated with the Kaunas bus outbreak. A total of 2 cases have already been linked to this outbreak.

A secondary case is related to Kaunas Yoga Studio. A total of 3 cases have already been linked to this outbreak.

During yesterday, 1 case was related to the outbreak of the Kaunas State Musical Theater. A total of 51 cases have already been accounted for in this outbreak.

In addition, one case was registered in the Department of Cardiology of the Kaunas Hospital of the Lithuanian University of Health Sciences. Currently, the NVSC has received information about positive test results from others who may be involved in this unit, but their epidemiological diagnosis is still ongoing.

A secondary case was approved in the municipality of Raseiniai. There are already 51 cases associated with this outbreak.

In Vilnius county, 3 cases, 1 of which is secondary, are related to the Alfasteps health club. A total of 7 cases are already associated with this outbreak.

During the day yesterday, 4 cases related to hockey competitions were confirmed. A total of 22 cases have already been linked to this outbreak.

1 secondary case refers to September 24. K2 comedy open mic event. A total of 2 cases have already been linked to this outbreak.

In Šiauliai County, 4 cases confirmed yesterday are related to AB Rūta. A total of 12 cases have already been linked to this outbreak.

3 cases are related to AB Telia company in Šiauliai. A total of 15 cases have already been linked to this outbreak.

In Šiauliai Republican Hospital a secondary case was confirmed in the family. A total of 65 cases have already been linked to this outbreak.

A secondary case in Šiauliai county is associated with an outbreak of coronavirus infection at Kelmė dairy. A total of 29 cases have already been linked to this outbreak.

1 case was confirmed at the Sidabravas agricultural company in Radviliškis. A total of 4 cases have already been linked to this outbreak.

Case 1, confirmed yesterday, is related to the “Danijus” sewing house operating in Radviliškis. A total of 21 cases have already been linked to this outbreak.

In Panevėžys county, 1 case is related to the UAB Iremas company. There are already 15 cases of this outbreak of coronavirus infection.

In Tauragė County, 2 cases were confirmed at Jurbarkas Hospital.

Details on 5 New Covid-19 Victims in Lithuania Revealed

5 deaths from COVID-19

Last day, information was received about 5 deaths from coronavirus (COVID-19) from medical institutions – 4 were recorded in Šiauliai county, 1 – in Kaunas county. Currently, the infection has claimed 99 lives.

The deceased belonged to the age group of 50 to 59 years and suffered from chronic diseases. The coronavirus was confirmed in one person on September 26. The epidemiological diagnosis of the outbreak revealed that the person became infected after contact with a sick relative in the home environment.

The deceased belonged to the age group 70 to 79 years and had comorbidities. The coronavirus was confirmed in one person on September 22. The circumstances of a person’s infection are related to the outbreak at the Siauliai Republican Hospital.

The deceased belonged to the age group 70 to 79 years and had comorbidities. The infection was diagnosed in one person on September 29. The circumstances of a person’s infection are related to the outbreak at the Siauliai Republican Hospital.

The deceased belonged to the age group of 70 to 79 years, as well as to the group at risk for comorbidities. The coronavirus was confirmed in one person on October 4. The source and circumstances of a person’s COVID-19 infection are unknown.

The fifth case of death was in Kaunas County. The deceased belonged to the 80-89 age group and had comorbidities. The infection was confirmed to the person on September 23. The circumstances of the person’s infection are related to the outbreak in the Blinstrubiškės welfare home located in Raseiniai district.

Also, last day 2 deaths were recorded (in Šiauliai and Kaunas counties), when those infected with coronavirus died for other reasons.

NVSC reports that a total of 5,366 cases of COVID-19 disease have been confirmed in Lithuania, 2,700 people are still ill, 2,546 – have recovered.

For their part, public health professionals urge people to follow all measures to prevent the spread of coronavirus infection: hand hygiene, coughing, sneeze etiquette, use of personal protective equipment, physical distance and more. .

See how and when a COVID-19 infection occurs:
