Solid financial support for the Kaunas strategic project


The Aleksotas Innovation Industrial Park (AIPP) is becoming more and more striking on European Avenue. The infrastructure for future investors is being completed. With the approval of the government, the object of strategic importance for the city received additional financing, which will reach almost 5 million. euros. The proceeds will be used to fundamentally rebuild an abandoned helicopter hangar.

Lithuanian Silicon Valley

A new network of streets, bicycle lanes and sidewalks with the necessary communications will be installed in the 30-hectare area between Europa Avenue and Lakūnai Highway to facilitate the settlement of high value-added settlers.

“This facility will be of great importance for economic development and further innovation progress at the national level. High-paying jobs will promote academic potential, science and business cooperation between Kaunas and the whole country. Therefore, the contribution of the Government is extremely important to us. This year, we hope to obtain the status of an economically important project for the state park, “said Visvaldas Matijošaitis, mayor of the city, about the Lithuanian Silicon Valley that is developing in Kaunas.

Laboratories and research centers

Once the introductory work for the future innovation park is completed, it will be time for the conversion of the hangar from the old aviation factory. About 7 thousand. Square meters of old helicopter workshops will be reborn for new purposes and purposes after rebuilding.

Currently, the architects are laying the final solutions for the conversion project of this object. It is the new building that will receive the financial support received.

Part of the premises will be adapted for laboratories, research development in life sciences, experimental production, the rest – for administration. A new smart space is expected to open in 2022.

The first space for a future ecosystem

“Innovation and research is an area that would be difficult to develop outdoors. Therefore, when creating a space for this purpose, it is very important to have the first building where the ecosystem of companies that work here would begin to develop ”, said Vilius Šiliauskas, director of the Municipal Administration of Kaunas.

Since the beginning of the project, two contractors are currently working in the park called Silicon Valley in Lithuania. All necessary infrastructure works are scheduled to be completed in early winter. Already this time, Alexoteis and the passers-by of Kaunas are noticing a new network of streets and the construction of pedestrian and bicycle paths between Europos Avenue and the Lakūnai Highway.

“Some of the streets are fully paved, their entrances are fixed and lighting poles are built. The rainwater and water supply networks have yet to be installed in a part of the territory, but these works are also progressing according to plan, ”said Vigimantas Abramavičius, Head of the Department of Construction Management of the municipality of Kaunas.

Photo of the municipality of the city of Kaunas.

After start – 700 jobs

The Aleksotas Innovation Industrial Park (AIPP) stands out for its attractive and easily accessible geographical location in the city, next to the S. Darius and S. Girėnas aerodromes. The development of the infrastructure of the entire territory will cost more than 6 million in total. euros. This is done with the support of the European Union and the Government and the city budget.

The new industrial and innovation park was built in the past in a 30-hectare military-owned aviation factory.

It is estimated that AIPP could create around 700 jobs in the first ten years. The average salary here would be a fifth higher than the city average.

Photo of the municipality of the city of Kaunas.
