Quarantine is planned for Raseiniai; it will restrict almost all areas of life.


If approved by the Cabinet of Ministers, the quarantine will be introduced as of 2020. October 9, 00 hrs. until October 23. 24 hours

Meetings are restricted

As indicated in the Government document, people will be able to visit public places and be in groups of no more than two people, excluding family members. It will also be necessary to maintain a distance of at least two meters between individuals or groups of individuals, to avoid direct physical contact and to comply with personal hygiene requirements. These restrictions do not apply to funeral attendance.

People over 6 years of age will be required to wear protective equipment (masks, respirators or other devices) in public places, except when eating and drinking in public food establishments, and during service provision, when service cannot be provided while the recipient is wearing a mask. .

This requirement does not apply to people with disabilities who, due to their health, cannot wear masks or whose use could endanger a person’s health. These people are recommended to wear a face shield.


Restricted transportation

It is also planned to limit the intensity of regular passenger transport on long-distance, suburban and urban passenger transport routes. Only seats at a distance of at least 1 meter will be allowed.

Special security measures must also be applied: vehicles will be disinfected at the start and end stops of each route.

It is recommended to restrict movement in the municipality for unnecessary reasons: leaving the place of residence only on the way to a place of commerce, work, receiving medical care and other services, participating in elections to the Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania.

Telework and education

In state and municipal institutions, establishments, state and municipal companies, work is organized and clients are serviced remotely, except in cases where it is necessary for the performance of the relevant functions in the workplace.

Similar recommendations apply to the private sector.

It is intended to stop the process of education and childcare and educational activities in all educational institutions, day centers and employment by organizing the educational process remotely.

Children with various disabilities are also welcome at Širvintos primary school.  Photo from the archives of the Širvintos primary school.

Restrictions in stores and restaurants

Its purpose is to prohibit visits to cultural, leisure, entertainment, sports and physical services facilities for visitors, with the exception of high-skill sports exercises.

It is planned to ban all events and meetings organized in open and closed spaces, except meetings in the polling stations of the Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania.

Catering establishments, restaurants, cafes, bars, nightclubs and other entertainment venues, casinos (casinos) and slot machines, the bingo halls would be open from 8 am to midnight.

The limitation of working hours shall not apply when food is delivered to go or otherwise delivered, when catering services are provided to employees of companies, establishments or organizations where shift work is carried out on the premises and / or premises of said companies, establishments or organizations.

It is intended to limit the flow of buyers and other visitors in the premises of shops, kiosks and other points of sale – at least 10 square meters. m of commercial space per buyer or no more than one buyer is served at a time.

Grocery shopping

Other restrictions

The provision of health services would be organized in accordance with the procedure established by the Minister of Health.

It is intended to prohibit attendance at all inpatient, family, group home and community social service institutions. In other social service institutions, contact with the client is only allowed for the provision of necessary social services.

It is intended to prohibit activities in day and employment centers for children, people with disabilities and the elderly.

The municipal administration must ensure the care of children and people with disabilities in exceptional cases in institutions, if such care is not possible at home.

It is intended to recommend to the religious communities of the municipality not to organize religious rites to avoid public gatherings.
