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The top ten on the electoral list are each party’s business card, stamp, statement of priorities and values. What message are the parties sending about themselves to the voter who will elect the new Seimas on October 11? “Kauno diena” completes the rehearsal cycle, this time featuring the elite of the Popular Party list.

Interim managers

The electoral list on behalf of the People’s Party would perhaps be more recognizable to voters, among other innovations, if Zigmas Vaišvila, the former numbered signatory to the Law of Restoration of Independence, had not left it. Now contains little known surnames. And many people have heard of the People’s Party, especially since it was founded by Kazimira Prunskienė in 2009, but when a politician left politics due to illness, the party he created passed from hand to hand, led by interim leaders, invited Political stars like the former Social Democrat Andrius Šedžius. , Signatory of the Act of Restoration of Independence Rolandas Paulauskas. Taur Jakelaitis, an activist with the Lithuanian Public Council, also temporarily replaced Vaidotas, the son of K. Prunskienė, who temporarily led the party in July.

Zigmas Vaišvila (photo by V. Skaraitis / Fotobank)

This party has not achieved any significant political victory, and in these elections decided to abandon the political electoral platform instead of the public – the Lithuanian Public Council convened by Z. Vaišvila at the end of 2018 and his electoral initiative announced this summer – the informal social movement “Concentration of the Nation”. His idea was to create the conditions for non-systematic parties, public associations, communities and individuals to interact with each other.

Z. Vaišvila gave two reasons for withdrawing from this list. One is the health problems of his loved ones and himself. But the other is that opposition parties and organizations have not responded to the call for concentration. “With my non-participation and support of the candidates for the national mobilization, I want to set an example to Naglis Puteikis, Arvydas Juozaitis, Vytautas Radžvilas, Darius Kuolis and others who speak as leaders of opposition parties. That it is time not only to transfer their experience , but also handing over leadership positions to qualified young people, “said Z. Vašvila.

So the list was entrusted to the youngest of the top ten: a 44-year-old lawyer, a professor at Mykolas Romeris University, doctor of social sciences, former head of the Special Investigation Service. specialist Nendre Černiauskiene.

By the way, she was an advisor to the Minister of Health Aurelijus Veryga, who oversaw the corruption prevention issues. But he was removed from these trusted political positions in January of last year for reasons of late and inadequate implementation of the planned measures. N.Černiauskienė herself explained that she saw many manifestations of corruption in the ministry itself.

There were three convictions

“The list is made up of independent candidates who have not been in clans of criminal parties, have not migrated for 30 years through the same ruling parties and are not corrupt,” assures second construction engineer T. Jakelaitis.

However, the first ten were in the ninth, because the Central Electoral Commission eliminated Vilmantas Povilaitis, the ninth, from him, who did not indicate in the questionnaire that he had been found guilty of a crime. By the way, for this reason, two more people who were going to stand up with the Popular Party list were eliminated.

Now among the top eight on the list, two candidates in the questionnaire indicated they had been convicted. The second – T. Jakelaitis – for waste of property and the eighth – for a lawyer, Doctor of Social Sciences – Antanas Bartusevičius – for fraud.

Party runaways

Although it was assumed in the presentation of the list that there were no parties that crossed it, there are nine. The seventh director of the company, Rimantas Jaruškevičius, tried to enter the Seimas four years ago with a coalition of Naglio Puteikis and Kristupas Krivickas.

Fourth – Vytautas Bernatonis – Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, 1990–1991. – the first mayor of Vilnius after the restoration of independence. 1996 was one of the initiators of the Life Logic Party, its president. Since 2009 he has been a member of the New Union, with which he participated in the Seimas elections on several occasions.

By the way, in 2002. Bernatonis ran for president, but received only 0.25 percent. voter support.

Daiva Šeškauskaitė, Ph.D. This party elevated her to the Raseiniai District Council, and in 2015 to the mayor, but the latter were the party’s list and its mayoral candidate. In 2008 she tried to enter the Seimas with the Liberals and a year later in the European Parliament. Last year, she ran in local elections with the “Civic Initiative” Electoral Committee, but also without success.

Eighth – A.Bartusevičius 2011 ran for the Prienai district council as a representative of the Social Democratic Union.

The fifth representative of the travel business, the director of the company Jolita Maslauskaitė-Targonskienė, the sixth – the programmer engineer Aldas Mačiulis, the tenth – the gym psychologist of Salina Janina Janulionienė will make her debut in the elections.

Wants 33 seats

On behalf of the Popular Party, the electorate promises free electricity for retirees and large families, stop deforestation, allocate a fixed part of GDP to education, buy electricity from the Astrava nuclear power plant, which they believe will ensure their safety. with the people.

T. Jakelaitis said he is expected to receive as many terms as on the candidate list, and of them 33. This is the shortest list of seventeen candidate political forces. In the September Vilmorus / Lietuvos rytas poll, 0.7 percent promised to vote for the Popular Party list. voters already elected.

The top ten of the Popular Party

1. Nendrė Černiauskienė

2. Tauras Jakelaitis

3. Daiva Šeškauskaitė

4. Vytautas Bernatonis

5. Jolita Maslauskaitė-Targonskienė

6. Aldas Mačiulis

7. Rimantas Jaruškevičius

8. Antanas Bartusevičius

9. –

10. Janina Janulionienė

Current Seimas members: 0

Current members of the municipal councils: 0

It was in 2016. in the tenth of the electoral list: 0

Age: from 44 to 79 years, average 59.4 years.

Gender equality: men 5, women 4

Debutants of the policy: 5

Party Fugitives *: 4

Non-party members: 7

* There were members of other parties or candidates proposed by them in the elections
