Lingienė: NVSC has registered significant violations at the Vilnius Clinical Hospital – the prosecutor’s office will be contacted


“Yesterday, specialists from the Vilnius Department of the National Center for Public Health not only carried out an epidemiological diagnosis of the cases, but also carried out a more in-depth public health security control procedure and discovered that this hospital has significant violations related to the risk of spreading a contagious disease, “said a press conference at the Ministry of Health. Rolanda Lingienė, Director of the NVSC Vilnius Department reported.

According to the director of the Vilnius Department of the NVSC, the flows of feverish and non-feverish patients and staff have not been adequately separated in the hospital admission department, as well as the personal protective equipment is not yet used properly, and there are no conditions suitable for putting them on and taking them off. According to R. Lingienė, there are also not enough distances between the beds of the patients in the Cardiology, Intensive Care and Reanimation departments, there are objects in epidemiologically significant facilities that cannot be properly disinfected in any way.

“The drafting of the inspection report is currently being finalized, the binding instructions for the administration are given every day, as yesterday, it was done first orally and then in writing. We also asked the State Labor Inspectorate for an accounting assessment of the working time in this institution, since it was completely impossible to determine which specific employees had contact with the sick, the accounting documents of the working time simply seemed very messy, we asked the competent authority ”, reported R. Lingienė.

“We also made a request to the State Accreditation Service for Health Care Activities regarding possible violations of the quality of health care services and on Monday we will make a request to the Vilnius Regional Prosecutor’s Office for the protection of the public interest” he added.

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