Voters memorandum: what do you have to know to vote in the Seimas elections?


The novelty is two ballots

Voters who come to vote will receive two ballots: to vote in single-member and multi-member districts. On the ballot for a multi-member constituency, voters will find the 17 parties participating in the Seimas elections listed. There will be five boxes at the bottom of this ballot box where voters will be able to register priority votes and thus rank the candidates.

Voters who vote are required to comply with all security requirements.

Masks, hand hygiene and personal pens

The Seimas elections will be held in the face of a pandemic, so voters who come to vote are asked to comply with all security requirements. Access to the polling stations will only be possible with protective masks properly put on, all participants will be asked to disinfect their hands, maintain a safety distance of 2 m and use a personal pen; must be brought.

Unlike four years ago, voting is also done in advance. It is organized over four days instead of two and started today, that is, on October 5.

Voting will be available during the four days from 7 pm to 8 pm We will be able to cast our vote not only in municipal administration buildings, but also in other specially authorized locations.

You can find a list of them here.

From Wednesday to Friday, voting will take place at special points: medical institutions, social care institutions, places of confinement.

As before, voting will be possible at home. Voters over the age of 70 have this right. people with disabilities, people who take care of them, as well as those who due to their state of health cannot go to the polls on voting day.

This category also includes people with coronavirus who are in self-isolation. The latter must contact the CEC in advance. Read more in the article – Information for Isolated Voters.

General order: what you need to have and know

All citizens of the Republic of Lithuania who have reached the age of 18 can vote in the Seimas elections. years. Only those people who are prohibited by a court decision do not have the right to vote.

VIDEO: Vote safely!

Every voter who comes to the polling station must have:

  • an identity document with photo and personal identification code;

  • sign the final list of voters, thus confirming that you have received the ballots;

  • After secretly filling out the ballots and making sure everything is correct, the voter must fold them and throw them into the ballot box.

  • If the voter made a mistake filling out the ballot but has not yet put it in the ballot box, he or she can ask the commissioner to cast a new ballot and fill it out correctly.

  • you must deliver the old and damaged ballot to the commissioner.

Voting is more convenient in your constituency, that is, where the voter has declared their place of residence, in which case the voter will already be on the lists and their voting procedure will take the shortest time.

However, it is possible to express one’s own will in a district other than the one in which the person is declared.

All the most important information to know about the Seimas elections can be found in the “Voter’s Memoir” prepared by the CEC..

We remind you that the first round of the parliamentary elections will take place on October 11. The second round is scheduled in two weeks. Voters will delegate 141 people to the Seimas for a four-year term. 71 parliamentarians will be elected from single-member districts. In the multinominal constituency, that is, according to the party lists, we will elect another 70 members of the Seimas. A total of 17 political parties are participating in the elections, which have nominated 1,724 candidates for the Seimas in a multi-member constituency. 758 candidates will try to enter the Seimas in single-member districts. 737 of them nominated political parties, 23 rose.
