Employees of educational institutions investigated in Šilutė due to COVID-19: the resulting confusion disappointed even the parents of the students


Of the 600 tests carried out, seven were positive. All of these people had to be tested at the Šilutė coronavirus mobile checkpoint and all tested negative after further examination. This means they have had a history of coronavirus or suffer from chronic illnesses that can affect the sensitivity of the test.

Seven were positive

Kristina Surplė, Director of the Public Health Office, said that by decision of the Minister of SAM, 790 rapid tests were assigned to the municipality of Šilutė district for examination of employees of educational institutions (giving priority to teachers). 8 rapid tests were administered to child rights protection officers.

Most of the tests were done before September 18, and last week there were additional studies of people who had not been able to get tested before at their institution; they were not at work that day or could not take the test for other reasons.

In two weeks, more than 600 employees of educational institutions in the district were surveyed, of which 7 (in five different institutions) obtained positive results. All of them had to be further examined at the Šilutė mobile checkpoint.

“It is gratifying that there is a mobile checkpoint in Šilutė municipality, where it is possible to quickly perform a nasopharyngeal swab test. All repeat examinations have shown that these people are not ill at this time, ”K. Surplė commented.

A positive response to the rapid test, according to the director, means that perhaps these people have chronic conditions that could have skewed the sensitivity of the test in one way or another. However, they are more likely to have been diagnosed with coronavirus in the past.

K. Surplė was satisfied that the percentage of positive tests in Šilutė district is not high. The Public Health Office still has unused exams, so employees of educational institutions can apply and have them take the exam.

Most wanted to explore

K. Surplė is grateful to the nurses from the Šilutė health institutions for the help in conducting the rapid tests, who together with the specialists from the office attended schools and kindergartens. A significant contribution was made by the Šilutė Primary Health Care Center, whose employees entered the results in e. Healthcare system.

The director pointed out that two groups of employees of educational institutions had split. Most of the study came out of curiosity and wanted to know if they were already infected with coronavirus. The other party was scared, and some of those in the study were reluctant because they had chronic illnesses. There were those who registered but then changed their minds.

The tests were optional for teachers and other staff, only recommended. The lists of those who wanted to study were compiled by the educational institutions themselves.

Psychologists will help fight fears

In one school or another, when a positive result occurred, there was confusion, which disappointed even the parents of the students. According to K. Surplė, the biggest advantage was the mobile checkpoint, where you can quickly examine the person and get a quick response. It seemed to put out those fires that caused the panic with positive results.

The director of the Šilutė Public Health Office warns that recent fear, panic and ignorance have caused many psychological problems for both children and adults. As a result, by December 18, the office began providing free psychological well-being services, both individual and group. Experts urge registrants and psychologists to voice their fears so they do not become bigger problems in the future. Services can also be provided anonymously.
