White House: Symptoms Briefly


The president and his wife, Melania, have announced self-isolation and will continue to work remotely.

D. Trump announced in his county of tweets that he was suffering from the new coronavirus.

“Tonight @FLOTUS (M. Trump) and I were tested for COVID-19. We will begin our quarantine and recovery process immediately. We will get through it TOGETHER!” Wrote D. Trump.

Trump was sleepy at a fundraising event with sponsors Thursday in New Jersey, according to the report.

The White House plans to hold a formal presidential address or a filmed report.

Trump and his wife were reported to be infected with the coronavirus on Friday. The COVID-19 studies were conducted after D. Trump’s adviser Hope Hicks diagnosed the disease.

On Friday, Trump also announced that he was feeling fine and that he would be able to fulfill his duties in isolation with his first lady Melania without interruption.

The White House also reported that it tried to locate people with whom Trump and his wife Melania had been in contact.

“Contact is currently being sought and we will issue the appropriate warnings and recommendations,” said Assistant spokeswoman Judd Deere.

Trump met with dozens of people last week and is reported to have already attended a fundraising event in New Jersey, knowing that his advisers had been confirmed to have coronavirus.

This extraordinary obstacle for Trump had immediate political consequences just 31 days before the US presidential election.

Trump’s rival, Democrat Joe Biden, who clearly leads in popularity, places great emphasis during his campaign on criticizing the Republican president for his actions in the fight against the coronavirus pandemic.

Trump, for his part, relied on the intense schedule of “live” campaign rallies across the country.

Earlier Friday, the White House canceled Trump’s campaign rally in a crucial Florida state that was scheduled to take place later that day.

It also appears that Trump will have to cancel a weekend trip to Wisconsin, another important state. The president also planned to travel extensively next week to the western states.

A second television debate with Biden is scheduled for October 15.

Presidential physician Sean Conley said Trump and his wife were “feeling fine right now and planned to stay home at the White House until they recovered.”

“I hope that the president fulfills his functions without obstacles,” added the doctor.

A close assistant got infected

The shocking news spread shortly after the president’s close adviser, Hope Hicks, confirmed the coronavirus infection.

Hicks flew on a presidential plane to Cleveland with Trump on Tuesday, where the first televised debate between him and Biden took place.

She was also with the president when he returned to the White House in a helicopter Wednesday after a rally in Minnesota.

As H. Hicks flies with the president in his plane and helicopter, which has even less space, there was immediate speculation that D. Trump and many others around him may have contracted the virus.

Despite Hicks’ diagnosis, Trump had flown on a presidential plane Thursday to meet with donors in New Jersey.

Only late on Thursday, in an interview with Fox News television, D. Trump confirmed the media reports about H. Hicks. He announced that he had been tested, but did not say if he had already received his results.

“You see, we spent a lot of time with Hope, as the first lady,” Trump said.

I rarely wear masks

Trump says the United States has already survived the worst coronavirus pandemic, claiming more than 200,000 lives. stage of American life. The president himself rarely wears a mask, and emphasizes that they often try it on.

However, your own health experts often make less optimistic assessments. D. Trump often receives harsh criticism for holding large rallies in which few of his supporters wear masks.

Biden’s campaign, on the other hand, did not involve large demonstrations and most of his events were social distance. J. Biden himself, wherever he goes, comes with a mask.

Ahead of Trump’s comments on Twitter, White House spokesman Judd Deere said the president “takes the health and safety of himself and all who work for him and the American people very seriously.” .

Deere said the White House was ensuring that procedures were in place to minimize the risk of coronavirus infection, both within the complex and during the president’s travels.

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