Aurelijus Veryga: We are halfway to reducing planned treatment services


We fill

The minister announced on Friday that they will speak again on Monday about possible restrictions on the activities of bars and restaurants.

According to the Minister of Health, not only morbidity indicators are monitored. According to him, about 35 percent are currently employed. Extra beds COVID-19.

“We are halfway there with the measures for health services,” said the minister.

This means that after occupying 70 percent. beds, the number of scheduled services in medical institutions would be reduced.

“We will have to ensure the stable functioning of the institutions so that they are not overcrowded,” he said.

Coronavirus hospitals are currently treating 135 people, 8 in resuscitation and intensive care units, 4 people receiving artificial lung ventilation and 42 patients in oxygen masks.

138 were infected after contact with the sick on the last day. Most feel the symptoms of the disease.

The worst situation is in Raseiniai

Of the 172 confirmed coronavirus cases in the last day, 51 were confirmed in Blinstrubiškės social care homes in Raseiniai district. Here, the disease was diagnosed in 40 wards and 11 workers.

“The hypothesis of the outbreak is that it has spread due to asymptomatic cases in the ranks of employees,” commented R. Lingienė on how the virus spread in the residence. According to her, this may mean that personal protective equipment has not been properly protected and used.

The institution has a team of epidemiologists.

According to R. Lingienė, 10 residents of nursing homes feel the symptoms of the disease.

By decision of the director of the municipal administration of the district of Radviliškis until October 16. all mass events in the area are canceled, the educational process will be organized only remotely, there will be no nurseries for the elderly and children, it is recommended to stop sports activities.

Offer people to think straight

According to R. Lingienė, people investigate in large chimneys quite slowly.

He advised the residents of Raseiniai and Radviliškis to limit their social life, work or study remotely, and visit only when necessary.

“We don’t see a way to control the virus without public help,” he said.

An NVSC representative said that it was obvious that people in Lithuania had returned to social life. If these trends continue, he said, people should self-assess individual risks.

She said people are worth thinking about if they go to sports, dance clubs and the like. And if you’re already visiting, she urges you to disinfect the surfaces.

The epidemiologist has again urged people not to go anywhere if they experience at least one characteristic symptom of COVID-19.

It is not a question of religion, not of faith, but of science.

Luke April / 15min photo / Aurelijus Veryga

Luke April / 15min photo / Aurelijus Veryga

“We hear alarming messages that there are people who do not believe in the virus and are guided by conspiracy theories. Here, it is not about religion, not about faith, but about science, I would call not to abuse, not to endanger the health of oneself and loved ones ”,

He urged the people of the Radviliškis district to protect themselves from the virus and use personal protective equipment.

According to the minister, the legislation not only allows, but also obliges municipalities to decide on the measures to be taken on the ground. For example, they can ban events, order distance learning, etc.

“It is possible that the municipalities have forgotten some of the recommendations on how to handle the virus in individual sectors,” Veryga emphasized.

According to him, there is an opportunity for the Prime Minister, the President, the ministers, the President of the Seimas and their teams to inspect.

“Not everyone takes advantage of this opportunity, is it good or bad? It would be good for people to verify, maybe sometimes there are objective circumstances in which people cannot come to a certain place where samples are taken and spent ”, why not everyone takes advantage of this opportunity, commented the Minister.

He said he was urged to do so.

Commenting on the fact that many people left the NVSC this year, A.Veryga assured that the problems continued for several years.

The minister explained the fault of the rapprochement.

“Can I remind you what headlines were like when there were attachments? that it was a party at the time of the plague, when the government paid for the supplements before the doctors had yet received them. We program the situation ourselves, so it is difficult to convince ourselves that additives are needed ”, said the Minister.

According to him, the possibility of paying bonuses was only valid during quarantine, at which time the quarantine regime is revoked.
