He explained how he would change the order in bars, balconies and other places.


Assessed the situation with the ban on smoking on balconies

When asked how the municipality is responding to the latest ban on smoking on balconies, Councilor Adam Bužinsk says the law simply will not work.

“If fewer people smoke on the balconies, it will definitely be better. People will be healthier, the idea is beautiful, but there are difficulties when we think about implementation. Only the law has been passed, there is still no government resolution on how it will be implemented. The implementation depends on the municipalities and we can already say that this law simply will not work.

There are ‘softer’ measures, such as education, health for people, the harm of smoking can be reduced in more sophisticated ways, and now we see that we can ban smoking, cursing, damaging the air, but we know that this will not happen.

Adam Bužinskas

Adam Bužinskas

© DELFI / Domantas Pipas

I can also give specific examples, for example we have a public order section that prioritizes infractions at levels A, B and C when we are on duty, when we go anyway. Naturally, such a violation will fall into category C or D, and we will only go for inspection when we have no other recorded violations.

For example, a man smokes on the balcony, calls a neighbor, reports that his neighbor smokes, we arrive in the best case in twenty minutes, in the worst case in three hours. It is difficult to expect a person to smoke for three hours and we will record the violation. This is reckless. Second, if a law enforcement officer patrols and sees a person smoking on the balcony, then the officer advises that a fine is desired. A person can say that this is their private space, then we will not be able to do anything, ”says A. Bužinskas.

He explained the algorithm for smoking.

Farmer Tom Tomilin says that an algorithm has been created which, in his words, explains everything.

“I would like to say that we did not adopt the ban on smoking on the balconies. We have adopted an algorithm to resolve balcony smoking conflicts, and there is a mechanism developed over three years to implement that algorithm.

The case is that in a situation in which we have a conflict, when a neighbor says that they will not listen to another neighbor because they do not care about their needs, the person requests the municipality, the municipality informs the neighbors administratively and the ban comes into effect for fifteen days. interlocutor.

Tomas Tomilinas

Tomas Tomilinas

© DELFI / Domantas Pipas

“In this case, the owner will definitely be informed. I think it is very easy for the landlord to ask the tenant not to smoke, because with those rules of the game, the neighbors suffer from passive smoking,” added T. Tomilinas.

When asked if smoking would only be banned on balconies, T. Tomilin assured that the situation in bars and cafes would not change.

“I want to say right away that nothing is changing because of the cafes. Smoking is possible in outdoor cafes, you will only have to mark the tables, which are intended for non-smokers, only up to a point. Nothing changes, it is very important to emphasize this We are also talking about playgrounds, and that is probably not a dispute about it, there is no need to waste time. Nobody forbids anything on the beaches. “

On Thursday, the Seimas adopted amendments to the Tobacco Control Law that prohibits smoking on balconies, terraces, loggias of apartment buildings where at least one resident opposes smoking, outdoor cafes, common partially owned premises, stalls covered public transport, playgrounds.

By law, apartment residents must in any case ensure that tobacco smoke does not enter the premises of a neighbor.

The owner of the premises is obliged to provide the official with the data (name, surname and residence address) of the person who smoked on the balcony, terrace, loggia of the apartment or room. If he refused to do so, the owner would face a fine.

He explained how he would change the order in bars, balconies and other places.

© DELFI / Domantas Pipas

President Gitanas Nausėda has not yet made a decision on the ban adopted by the Seimas.

Noise penalties

Another step that is being sought is to increase the noise fines. According to one of the initiators, Mykolas Majauskas, the goal is to more strictly regulate noise fines.

“I would like to add that smoking is related to nicotine, it is a drug that some people are addicted to and cannot easily quit smoking. Apparently we need to talk about transitions because it is not easy for people to change their habits.

In my case, we are talking about people who have fun, and who do it without limits, who make repairs without taking into account the rights of other people. Having fun is possible, but the freedom to have fun must end where other human rights arise, for example, in a quiet sleep. EU countries regulate very strictly when noise can be emitted, when it is not possible and what sanctions are threatened.

For example, if the music is played out loud in France, there may be a threat of a thousand fines and even the confiscation of equipment, and in Lithuania there is a fine of 50 euros, paying for the first time, only 25 euros, ”said M Majauskas in the program.

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