The United States shocked by the debate of the first candidate: no one remembers so much contempt, insults and dismissal


Cable TV hosts commenting on the chaotic debate were stunned and searched for the appropriate adjectives, and in some cases could not do without the obscenities. The discussion has clearly demonstrated, to say the least, the level of contempt that both men, aspiring to the most powerful position in the world, feel for each other.

The Trump campaign later declared that the chaos was strategic. “President Trump has handled the situation, Biden has proven to be weak,” the campaign said, stating that Trump had staged “the greatest show of debates in presidential history.”

Yet Trump has repeatedly had to defend himself as Biden criticized his handling of the pandemic, calling him “racist” over executive orders that reduce racial sensitivity in government and urging him to accept the results of the November elections.

To this, D. Trump did not hesitate to say: “If it is a fair election, I will do it 100%. I will win them, but if I see tens of thousands of ballots being tampered with, I will definitely not tolerate it, ”he said.

In a debate that really served Democrats, Trump repeatedly avoided Ch. Wallace’s calls to condemn pro-Caucasian groups.

“You want to name them, how do you want to name them? Say the name, say, come on, said D. Trump. “What would you like me to condemn?”

Bidenas irzta

It didn’t take long for Biden to start to get angry, as Trump repeatedly interrupted him and chimed in on his response. At least twice, he called Trump a “clown”, as “the worst American president to govern,” and told the president to “shut up.”

He sighed audibly when Trump launched an attack on Biden’s son Hunter’s foreign businesses. Afterward, Biden emotionally defended his sons and said he was proud of Hunter, who had overcome the drug problem by accusing Trump of defaming soldiers, including his late son Beau.

For his part, Trump insulted Biden’s intellect and ridiculed his family.

The “compliment” quickly turned into open conflict after Trump answered the first question about his future successor, who will replace the late Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg. Trump said he had the right to change it immediately, and Biden said American voters should speak up first.

“We won the election,” Trump said of his decision to select candidate Amy Coney Barrett, even though the election was just over a month away. “Elections have consequences. We have a Senate, we have a White House and we have a phenomenal candidate.”

Biden, who often spoke directly on his cell phone, said Trump and Barrett wanted to repeal the Affordable Care Act, which provides health insurance to 20 million people.

“The American people have the right to decide who will become a Supreme Court justice,” Biden said.

As the candidates fight over health policy, Capt. Wallace tried to intervene, but Trump complained: “I understand you don’t like my opinion.”

Coronavirus, “smart”

Ch. Wallace later asked about Trump’s response to the coronavirus pandemic, which has already killed more than 200,000 Americans, and why voters should expect Biden to handle himself better.

“There is no need to panic,” Biden told viewers. – He panicked. He doesn’t have any plans yet. “

“It’s not true,” interrupted D. Trump.

Debate between Donald Trump and Joe Biden

Debate between Donald Trump and Joe Biden

“It just came to our attention then. It’s not in your blood,” he told Biden, saying that “millions” of Americans would have died if the country had been led by a former vice president.

“I know how to get the job done,” Biden said.

Triden caught Biden’s comment that his crisis management would be “smart.”

“Never use the word ‘smart’ when you speak to me,” Trump said, reminding Biden that he once said he graduated from Delaware State University when he actually graduated from the University of Delaware.

Mr. Biden snorted. “Oh, you just don’t have to.”

“Joe, you are not smart anywhere,” Trump added.

D. Trump and J. Biden disagreed on whether Americans should wear masks to control the spread of the virus. Many people around Trump were without masks in the audience, and when a doctor from the Cleveland Clinic, the academic medical center that sponsored the debate, offered them masks, they refused.

The environment of Mr. Biden was with masks. He recalled that the director of the US Center for Disease Control and Prevention said this month that the universal use of masks would end the outbreak in the US Trump reiterated that other officials had said “otherwise.”

“No serious person has said otherwise,” Biden replied.

Debate between Donald Trump and Joe Biden

Debate between Donald Trump and Joe Biden

Tax return

A few hours before the debate began, Biden announced his latest tax
statement that they would like further clarification on presidential taxes.

“Is it true you paid $ 750 in federal income taxes” in 2016 and 2017, Ch. Wallace D. Trump, citing a recent New York Times report on taxes that the president kept secret.

D. Trump did not respond directly, but claimed that he had paid millions of dollars in taxes. “Show us your tax returns,” Biden said.

“I paid $ 38 million one year, I paid $ 27 million the following year,” Trump responded, without specifying what year he was talking about.

Ch. Wallace repeated his question about 2016 and 2017.

“Millions of dollars,” Trump responded. “And you will see.”

According to a statement released Tuesday, 2019. Mr. Biden paid nearly $ 300,000 in income taxes
ių. Meanwhile, billionaire D. Trump in 2016 and 2017 has paid $ 750 and nothing in the last ten years, according to the New York Times.

Hunter Biden’s Attack

The question of Trump’s economic merits has sparked disputes over China and the families of both candidates.

Look at what he actually did. And it did very little, “Biden said, criticizing Trump’s so-called” first-round “trade deal with China.” China has perfected the art of theft. “

Trump has been criticized for going through the Hunter Biden attack, demanding to see if Biden’s son has stolen “billions of dollars” from China and claiming that “the wife of the mayor of Moscow gave their son three and a half million dollars. Dollars”.

Sighing, Biden replied, “That’s not true. That was completely denied.”

D. Trump began to interrupt him again, claiming that the accusation was false.

“It’s hard to insert at least one word when it comes to this clown,” Biden said.

Debate between Donald Trump and Joe Biden

Debate between Donald Trump and Joe Biden

“He’s a racist”

Ch. Wallace asked Trump to explain why he decided to suspend racial sensitivity training for the government and federal contractors. Trump replied, “I stopped because they were racist” and “they taught people to hate our country, and I will not allow it.”

“Nobody does that,” Biden replied. “He himself is a racist.”

This led Ch. Wallace to urge D. Trump to condemn the white suprematists.

“Obviously, I want to do it, just almost everything I see is coming from the left wing, not the right wing. I am willing to do anything, I want to see peace, “he said.

Biden responded that he should condemn the Proud Boys, a group of white men who support Trump and who participated in protests and street riots with left-wing protesters.

“Proud guys? Trump responded. “Take a step back and look, but that’s what I’m going to say, that’s what I’m going to say, we have to do something with the anti-fascists and the left, because that’s not a right-wing problem.”

NBC News reported that members of the group on social media were pleased with his comments.

“I am proud of my son”

Biden later returned the discussion to his family, highlighting Beau Biden’s military service and accusing Trump of calling the military “losers” in light of Atlantic’s report on the president’s disregard for the military earlier this month. .
D. Briefly dismissed the charges.

“He was not a loser,” Biden said. “He was a patriot, and all the people who stayed there were heroes.”

“I don’t know Beau. I know Hunter,” Trump said, saying he had been “disrespectfully fired” for “using cocaine.”

“None of this is true,” Biden replied, addressing the audience. – My son, like many people you know, had a problem with drugs. Solved them. He did good. He worked with himself. I’m proud of him, I’m proud of my son ”.

Hunter Biden was fired from military service for drug use.
