Veryga explained why almost 2 million. Expensive monitors were taken from hospitals.


“It is important to mention that the accessories for these monitors arrived in Lithuania from China later than the monitors and were distributed later. So it was decided to collect the monitors and accessories distributed from the institutions, to complete everything and return it completely finished. Why? Having all the monitors gathered in one place is easier to organize than visiting all the institutions, “the Health Minister confirmed on Facebook on Tuesday.

A. Veryga reacted to information released by Lietuvos Rytas that nearly 500 vital function monitoring monitors distributed to hospitals in April are returned to warehouses. The heads of the institutions stated that they received the devices without the necessary accessories and connection instructions, as well as they did not have the necessary certificates and the staff were not trained to work with them.

According to the newspaper, the Emergency Center of the Ministry of Health paid almost 2 million for the purchase of this equipment through secret negotiations. euros.

The institution itself has not yet responded to questions posed to BNS on Tuesday about this equipment.

A. Veryga emphasized that the equipment was bought out of fear of the most pessimistic possible scenario of the spread of the coronavirus, that Lithuania could have to install an additional 1.5 thousand. resuscitation of places in hospitals for extremely severe patients requiring intensive care.

“As already mentioned, these devices were purchased in preparation for the worst-case scenario, that is, in the event that institutions would have to establish additional intensive care beds for extremely difficult patients. Currently, there is no such need Therefore, it is not necessary to use this equipment ”, stated the Minister.
