115 new coronavirus cases have been confirmed in Lithuania


The National Public Health Center (NVSC) reports that 55 of the new cases have been registered in Kaunas, 22 in Vilnius, 19 in Šiauliai, 6 in Telšiai and Klaipėda, 4 in Panevėžys, 2 in Alytus and 1 in Marijampolė counties. .

According to epidemiologists, 84 people became infected after contact with individuals confirmed by coronavirus. In addition, 5 cases of importation were registered during the last day: 3 from Great Britain and 1 from Belarus and Poland. At that time, 26 people did not identify the circumstances of the infection.

63 cases are associated with outbreaks

11 cases registered yesterday are related to the Siauliai Republican Hospital. Of these, 9 are patients and 2 are secondary cases, that is, relatives of workers. To date, a total of 51 cases related to this outbreak have been reported: 21 patients, 20 employees, and 10 secondary cases.

2 cases confirmed yesterday are related to Radviliškis Hospital, of which 1 is an employee and 1 is a secondary case. A total of 135 cases are associated with the outbreak: 62 patients, 50 employees and 23 secondary cases.

Another 2 cases are related to Kuršėnai Hospital, one of which is a patient and the other is a secondary case. A total of 6 cases were reported: 5 patients and 1 secondary case.

An outbreak has also been registered in Šiauliai county, associated with cases of infection registered in one of the courses at Šiauliai University. COVID-19 was approved yesterday for 1 person. A total of 5 related cases were confirmed, of which 3 people are from Raseiniai.

In Panevėžys county, 4 cases registered yesterday are related to the metal processing company “Iremas”. All people are employees. A total of 12 cases are currently associated with the outbreak.

2 cases recorded in Alytus County are related to the outbreak in Druskininkai Township. Both individuals are employees. Since yesterday, work in the municipality is organized remotely.

In Telšiai County, 3 outbreak-related cases were recorded in Mažeikiai District Municipality. 1 person is an employee, 2 – secondary cases. An estimated 16 cases of infection are associated with the outbreak.

Another case in Telšiai county, Mažeikiai district, is related to the outbreak in Šiauliai GMP. Currently a total of 5 related cases are registered.

In Kaunas yesterday, 14 cases related to the outbreak were recorded at the Kaunas State Musical Theater. One of these people is studying at the Vytautas Magnus University (VMU) Music Academy. A total of 24 outbreaks were reported.

1 case, registered yesterday in Raseiniai, is related to the Raseiniai choir “Šatrija”, and a total of 26 cases related to the outbreak were confirmed.

On the last day, a case was registered at the Blinstrubiškės welfare home. A person is an employee. A total of 18 related cases were registered.

A new fireplace has also been registered at the Raseiniai Cultural Center. Yesterday COVID-19 was approved for 2 people. The circumstances of the first infection are associated with the “Shatrija” chorus.

In addition, a new outbreak is linked to Raseiniai’s progymnasium “Šaltinis” COVID-19 was approved yesterday for two employees who do not have direct contact with children.

The new outbreak is also related to the Vėjukai coffee in the Raseiniai district. The infection was confirmed to an employee yesterday. This is the second related case of coronavirus, the circumstances of the first person’s infection are unknown.

Another new outbreak occurred in Kaunas, Kaunas Police Chief Commissariat. The coronavirus was confirmed to the employee yesterday. A total of 2 related infections were reported.

One case, registered in Vilnius, is related to fencing training. A total of 4 cases of infection were registered.

Another 3 cases are associated with an outbreak in the “Lietuva” group, one of the people is a showgirl, the other 2 are secondary cases, a total of 36 related infection cases were registered.

4 cases are related to dance classes. 2 related to the “Dance Harmony” study (6 cases in total), another 2 related to the “City dance” dance study (secondary) (a total of 41 related cases were recorded).

A new outbreak was also recorded in Vilnius at the Fire Protection and Rescue Department (PAGD). Yesterday coronavirus was confirmed for 1 employee. A total of 3 related cases were registered, the circumstances of the first infection are related to the dance studio “City dance”.

In addition, another 21 people, according to epidemiologists, were infected after contact with people confirmed with coronavirus, but the cases are not considered sources of infection according to the data currently available.

The circumstances of the infection in 26 people are unclear.

At this time, epidemiologists have not yet been able to determine how 26 people were infected. Epidemiological studies have shown that people did not travel abroad and did not interact with confirmed cases of COVID-19.

Specialists are examining the routes of these infections, so the statistics may still change if links are found between individual cases.

NVSC reports that a total of 4693 cases of COVID-19 disease have been confirmed in Lithuania, 2217 people are still ill, 2365 – have recovered.

For their part, public health professionals urge people to follow all measures to prevent the spread of coronavirus infection: hand hygiene, coughing, sneeze etiquette, use of personal protective equipment, physical distance and more. .

National Public Health Center (NVSC) September 30. 9 pm according to:

  • Number of confirmed cases in specific people: 4693
  • Number of sick people: 2217
  • Number of new COVID-19 confirmed yesterday: 115
  • Number of deaths from coronavirus: 92
  • Deaths from coronavirus from other causes: 19
  • Number of people who recovered: 2365
  • Number of people in isolation (sick, exposed, arriving from affected areas for which decisions have been issued within the corresponding 14-day period): 23981

Starting June 1. import cases: 274

National Laboratory of Public Health September 30. 9 pm according to:

  • Yesterday samples of suspected coronavirus were analyzed: 6993
  • To date, a total of samples have been analyzed for suspected coronavirus: 774 987 (of which 209 822 from mobile points).

88 new cases of COVID-19 infection were confirmed in the country on Tuesday. After contact with patients, according to epidemiologists, 64 people became infected. It was also not possible to determine how 21 people were infected.

It was also announced that due to the risk of COVID-19, Kelmė had canceled the events and Pakruojis would limit visits to social care institutions. As of October 1, the visit of residents of municipal institutions of social care for hospitalized patients will be prohibited; It will only be possible if necessary and with the permission of the head of the social care institution.

For her part, Rolanda Lingienė, Head of the Vilnius Department of the National Center for Public Health, reviewed the COVID-19 situation in Vilnius and provided the latest information on hotspots in the capital. According to her, epidemiologists are currently in the focus of the Senate Hall of the capital, VGTU, professional training centers and sports clubs.
