Last information from NVSC: For some dance studios it is already recommended to suspend activities, it is planned to test students


Individual recommendations are also provided to sports clubs, and testing of exposed employees or all employees is conducted in cafes and restaurants when coronavirus cases are detected.

Rolanda Lingienė, director of the Vilnius department of the National Center for Public Health, announced this Tuesday on the social network’s Facebook account.

R. Lingienė wrote on his Facebook account:

“According to data from last Friday, 230 cases of COVID-19 disease were registered in Vilnius in 14 days, ILLNESS INDICATOR – 40.67 cases per 100 thousand”. population. For comparison: in the hot spot, Raseiniai district, – 714.2.

Around 200-300 people with contact are detected in Vilnius per day.

80 percent. The cases in Vilnius are related to already known chimneys.

Larger fireplaces:

  • Dance studio “City Dance”,
  • Bud among the arts,
  • Vilnius Gabija Progymnasium.

In the last 2 weeks, most cases are in young people between the ages of 20 and 29.

9 people hospitalized: up to 18 years. – 1, 19–30–0, 31–40–1, 41–50–4, 51–60–1, 61–70–1, more than 70–1.

A man died.

Other places in the sights of epidemiologists:

  • Senators Game Room
  • VGTU,
  • Vocational training centers,
  • Sport clubs.

What is being done now?

1. For dance studios where cases of infection have been identified, IT IS RECOMMENDED TO TEMPORARILY SUSPEND THE ACTIVITY UNTIL CONTROL IS CONTROLLED.

2. Planned targeted testing of students.

3. Active cooperation with sports clubs: individual recommendations are provided to them.

4. In cafes and restaurants, tests should be conducted on exposed employees or all employees if cases are identified.


In Vilnius County on September 28. 15 new cases were confirmed. Of these, 5 (33.3%) became ill while in isolation. 8 (53%) cases were not related to outbreaks, of which 3 were post-exposure, 3 unknown, and 2 imported.

A summary of the 14-day analysis is prepared every Friday and the data is presented to the Vilnius City Municipality during a remote meeting every Monday. Response measures will be taken according to two-week epidemiological patterns. “

There were 88 new cases of the disease per day.

The NVSC reported that 88 cases of coronavirus infection (COVID-19) were confirmed in Lithuania last day. 43 of them were registered in Šiauliai, 29 in Kaunas, 15 in Vilnius and 1 in Telšiai counties.

After contact with patients, according to epidemiologists, 64 people became infected. In addition, on the last day there were 3 import cases: 2 from Ukraine and 1 from Denmark. 21 people could not determine the circumstances of the person’s infection.

49 cases are associated with chimneys

18 cases confirmed last day are related to Radviliškis Hospital, of which 1 patient, 7 employees and 10 secondary contacts, that is, people do not work in this institution and are not treated there. In all, 133 cases were associated with this morning’s approach: 62 patients, 49 staff, and 22 secondary cases.

1 case, registered on Monday, is related to the Šiauliai Republican Hospital. This case is secondary, that is, a relative of a hospitalized patient became ill. Currently, a total of 40 cases associated with this approach are reported: 12 patients, 20 staff, and 8 secondary cases.

A patient at Kuršėnai Hospital also fell ill with coronavirus. A total of 5 COVID-19 cases were reported in this approach. All individuals are patients of the Nursing Care and Support Unit.

On Monday, there were 4 cases in Kelmė: employees of the operational Kelmės pieninė were infected. Currently, a total of 15 cases of coronavirus infection are associated with the outbreak.

Another 2 cases are related to the chimney in Šiauliai between police officers and instructors. Both individuals are employees. A total of 7 coronavirus cases were associated with the outbreak. The circumstances of the first-person infection, according to the initial assessment, are related to the focus on the Raseiniai police.

The 6 coronavirus cases recorded in Kaunas County on Monday are related to the fireplace at the Kaunas State Musical Theater. All individuals are employees. Currently, 10 related cases have been reported.

Another 5 cases in Kaunas County are associated with chimneys in educational institutions. 3 cases are related to Kaunas Eruditas Lyceum, 2 of which are students and a teacher (a total of 12 cases related to COVID-19). Case 1 is associated with an outbreak in Kaunas K. Grinius Progymnasium (a total of 10 cases of coronavirus infection are associated with an outbreak): a person is a family member of a sick child who is studying in the Gym ” Saulė “from Kaunas. Another 1 case is related to Raseiniai Viktoras Petkus basic school, the person is a student (a total of 4 related cases were registered).

Two new smokestacks have also been registered in Kaunas County. Case 1: A teacher at the Krakiai Mikalojus Katkus Gymnasium in Kėdainiai district became ill, and this is the second illness. The circumstances of the infection of the first person are related to the Raseiniai choir “Šatrija”. In addition, the new fireplace in the Raseiniai district is connected to the Viduklė Simonas Stanevičius Gymnasium Depth Department. This is the second related case of COVID-19.

In Vilnius county, 2 cases related to the fireplace in the “Lietuva” complex were approved on Monday. One is a showgirl, the other is a side case. A total of 33 cases of coronavirus infection were associated with the outbreak.

Another case in Vilnius is associated with an outbreak in a dance studio. This is the 39th related case of COVID-19.

Also, the circumstances of the infection of 1 person are related to the chimney in Vilnius S. Stanevičius progymnasium. A total of 6 coronavirus cases are estimated to be focal.

A new fireplace has been registered in Vilnius, which is associated with fencing training. A total of 3 cases of infection were registered. The first case was confirmed on September 25, the circumstances of the person’s infection are unknown, but it is believed that he may have been infected while participating in the fencing championship in Šiauliai.

In addition, 15 other people, according to epidemiologists, became infected after contact with people who were confirmed to have coronavirus, but the cases are not classified as sources of infection based on currently available data.

The circumstances of the infection of 21 people are not clear

At this time, epidemiologists have not yet been able to determine how 21 people were infected. Epidemiological studies have shown that people did not travel abroad and did not interact with confirmed cases of COVID-19.

Specialists are examining the routes of these infections, so the statistics may still change if links are found between individual cases.

NVSC reports that a total of 4578 cases of the COVID-19 disease have been confirmed in Lithuania, 2118 people are still ill, 2349 have recovered.

For their part, public health professionals urge people to follow all measures to prevent the spread of coronavirus infection: hand hygiene, coughing, sneeze etiquette, use of personal protective equipment, physical distance and more. .

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