Stinking story: a Kaunas resident who covered his wife’s boss with feces heard the punishment


A Kaunas resident, who had been defecated by his former boss, heard the punishment imposed on him for it. Although throughout the trial, the man assured that it would be worth imposing administrative responsibility on him, the court ruled otherwise.

The Kaunas District Court scored the final points in a high-profile case. Jonas Biržiška from Kaunas was convicted of organizing a stinky attack when he heard the story from his wife that her boss was harassing her. An enraged man poured feces on the latter.

From the beginning, J. Biržiška spoke openly about the revenge plan that was born in his head and was willing to answer for it in accordance with the law. However, he insisted that he should be held administratively responsible for minor violations of public order. In that case, he would have faced a fine of between 30 and 140 euros.

Stinky Attack – Filmed

“I don’t understand why the police explain that it was a bold attack that many people have seen. That they wanted to do it in public. It was dark at the time of the incident, at that time there were only the same people who had left the building together with Simonas Baltrušaitis. There were no other people around. Everything is filmed, “J. Biržiška told the portal The man also shared a video recording the implementation of his revenge plan.

The owners of the Kaunas company, where Jonas’s wife Aušra Biržiškienė worked, testified at a court hearing, they had to recall the details of that fateful night. They were then together with S. Baltrušaitis, the former director of the company, on whose head a bucket of feces was poured.

“That night we stayed at work, we solved various problems, a colleague from abroad visited us. We left the building when it was already dark, we planned to go to dinner. My guest and I got into the car, and Simon and my son stayed by their cars. Then, already sitting in the car, I heard some kind of noise. I opened the window and asked them what had happened. I heard the reply that Simon was drenched in feces. He went back to the office with my son because he had to wash and change clothes ”, this is how one of the owners of the company described the incident of January 21 this year in court. He admitted that he hadn’t seen the action while sitting in the car, but everything that happened that day surprised him.

Obtained a criminal record

The court issued the verdict today. J. Biržiška was sentenced to 10 months in prison for the crime committed, which forced him to work 135 hours free of charge within nine months of the entry into force of the sentence. in health, welfare and welfare institutions or non-governmental organizations that serve the disabled, the elderly or other people in need of assistance, working at least 15 hours. per month.

The court fully satisfied the victim’s civil claim for property damage and awarded J. Biržiška € 580 in property damage and ordered him to pay € 550 in legal costs.

However, the court stated in the ruling that “the action did not last long, there were no significant and irreversible consequences of the incident, the victim did not seek medical attention or psychological help, but felt skin irritation for several days. <..> he returned to normal life ”, so the victim is 1,500. The civil action for moral damage was confirmed in part and 300 euros were awarded to the accused.

Photo by Jonas Biržiška / Justina Lasauskaitė

The punishment offered for sexual harassment would sound much worse. That is why, according to J. Biržiška, he was determined to carry out this extraordinary attack.

He closed in on himself

His life and that of his wife took a turn when the woman got a job at a Kaunas company in early June last year.

“After about a month and a half, I could barely recognize my other half. The old optimism was replaced by tears and total introspection,” the man recalled at the beginning of the dramatic story.

J.Biržiška said that he had repeatedly tried to ask his wife what problems were weighing her down, but at first the wife did not tell him what was happening at her workplace.

There was an attack at work

Hoping that everything would change, the Kaunas resident lived for more than a month, but the wife’s well-being, both psychological and physical, only deteriorated. Proof of this is the attack that affected Dawn on November 25 of last year. They took her from the workplace by ambulance.

“The aforementioned patient came to the Kaunas clinics due to nausea, numbness of the limbs and general weakness. These symptoms may have been caused by high blood pressure and stress. After the examination and treatment, the woman was discharged for outpatient treatment at home, ”confirmed Eglė Audickaitė, chief specialist of the Communication Service of the Kaunas Clinic, about the health problems of A.Biržiškien salud to the portal After the incident, the woman was also unable to work for several days, but when she finished and returned to work, they waited for her with another wink.

A.Biržiškiene learned that her husband told the portal that he had to say goodbye to the company.

Was the director harassed?

The breakup, when A.Biržiškienė began to feel bad, happened after about a month and a half of fakes.

“The spouse had to go to a client, and his then director, Simonas Baltrušaitis, decided to go together. At dawn, this wish turned out to be strange, since the manager himself rarely visits customers, only in exceptional cases. This was not really the case. However, she was a newcomer to the company and was unwilling to object. Already during the trip, the director’s ambition became clear, ”says a Kaunas resident who remembers his wife’s story today.

John had to listen to the director’s jokes about himself, because his wife was asked if she had lovers; it is perfectly normal for a husband to have them.

Then he got completely upset and yelled that my wife would like to be supported on the hood of the car.

“Aušra said that he did not understand how to react to such comments from the manager, but after remembering the sexual laughter he had repeatedly heard, he decided not to pay attention in the office. But it did not end there, it only gained momentum. S.Baltrušaitis, already from On the way home from the aforementioned client, he turned towards the forest, where, according to him, there were “many pine trees and beautiful places.” Then he got very upset and said that he would like to put my wife on the hood of the car, “he hinted. the interlocutor to his wife about possible sexual allusions.

After this trip, A. Biržiškienė, who has been praised so far, became almost the worst employee; As the interlocutor suspects, the director did not get what he wanted and began to use psychological pressure.

Photo by Jonas Biržiška and Aušra Biržiškienė / Vilmantas Raupelis

The accusations are denied

The Kaunas resident, who had received feces from a family farmer and bathed his opponent in them, received a visit from officials immediately after the event.

“I immediately had an idea: S. Baltrušaitis sent officers directly to my house. Therefore, he knows that I did it, although he had never seen me. From this it can be concluded that he also knows what overwhelms him,” Jonas told his theoretical conclusions.

However, S. Baltrušaitis, who had been in contact with the portal by phone a little earlier, categorically denied these accusations. When asked what should have happened then that J.Biržiška had invented such an extraordinary attack, he said that he still did not understand the motive for these actions.

“There are many layoffs, he says he did it for the layoff, even though he left. I was the CEO of that company, I didn’t even fire people. I can say that there is a lot of falsehood in their testimonies. to talk about this, maybe later, “he said.

Simonas Baltrušaitis / Photo by Justina Lasauskaitė

Seeks to prove sexual harassment

However, A. Biržiškienė does not intend to sit with folded hands. She appealed to law enforcement for the actions of the now former boss. July 13 this year. the woman wrote a statement about possible sexual harassment against her. However, Daiva Guevenir, Principal Investigator of the 3rd Division of the Criminal Police Investigation Board of the Kaunas Criminal Police, decided not to initiate a pre-trial investigation as evidence was lacking. The officers reportedly contacted A. Biržiškienė’s colleagues, but the latter did not confirm the fact of the harassment.

However, it was decided to appeal against this decision. A. Biržiškienė’s lawyer, Jovita Vainilavičienė-Kulvinskienė, filed a complaint with the Prosecutor of the Kaunas Regional Public Prosecutor’s Office Virginija Vigelienė. More recently, the decision not to process this complaint was based on the fact that the complaint had been filed after the expiration of the appeal period.

J. Vainilavičienė-Kulvinskienė, a lawyer who contacted the portal, assured that she did not agree with the prosecutor’s decision and appealed to the investigating judge.

Photo by Justina Lasauskaitė
