COVID-19 is also not inevitable for children: morbidity rates are increasing in schools


According to V. Usonis, director of the Vilnius University Clinic for Childhood Diseases, there are currently no children hospitalized and treated at the hospital.

“The incidence of children is very low. Fortunately, both in Lithuania and in other countries, according to various data, 1 to 5 percent are children.

Twenty-five children were treated at our Vilnius University Children’s Hospital. The vast majority of them were sick.

Probably the good news is that, fortunately, children get sick easily, ”said Professor V. Usonis.

Vytautas Usonis

Some schools or classes have switched to distance learning

With the spread of the coronavirus in the Raseiniai district, it was decided to return to universal distance education starting Monday and lessons are taught remotely.

A week ago, it was reported that after the gym teacher Antanas Baranauskas in Rumšiškės district, Kaišiadorys district, seven classes, 140 school students, were isolated.

The school has a total of 500 children. Students in grades five through eleven found themselves isolated. They have been learning remotely since Tuesday. Because the school community wore masks during breaks, there was no need to isolate other staff members. They learn normally.

Two weeks ago, the spread of the virus in Vilnius Gabija Progymnasium was reported. Eight cases of coronavirus were reported in the school, half of the school worked remotely but later returned to regular teaching.

Recent cases of Covid-19: it is spreading rapidly in schools

The National Public Health Center (NVSC) reports this Tuesday that last day 88 cases of coronavirus infection were confirmed in Lithuania. The virus continues to spread in schools.

Five cases in Kaunas County are associated with fireplaces in educational institutions. 3 cases are related to the Liceo Kaunas Eruditas, 2 of which are students and a teacher. A total of 12 cases related to COVID-19.

One case is related to the chimney in Kaunas K. Grinius Progymnasium. A total of 10 cases of coronavirus infection have been associated with outbreaks. The person is a family member of a sick child who is studying at the “Saulė” gymnasium in Kaunas.

Another 1 case is related to the Raseiniai Viktoras Petkus basic school, the person is a student. A total of 4 related cases were registered.

One case was registered for a teacher in the Krakiai Mikalojus Katkus gymnasium in Kėdainiai district and it is the second case. The circumstances of the infection of the first person are related to the Raseiniai choir “Šatrija”.

In addition, the new fireplace in the Raseiniai district is connected to the Viduklė Simonas Stanevičius Gymnasium Depth Department. This is the second related case of COVID-19.

The circumstances of a person’s infection are also related to the chimney of the Vilnius S. Stanevičius progymnasium. A total of 6 coronavirus cases are estimated to be focal.

The virus has been registered in 77 institutions

Last Thursday, announced that the coronavirus had been registered in 77 educational institutions from the beginning of the school year until September 24, but only in some of them the internal spread of the infection was detected.

Roland Lingienė

Rolanda Lingienė, representative of the National Center for Public Health (NVSC), provided this information.

“Since the beginning of the school year, COVID-19 cases have been registered in educational institutions in 77 countries, for a total of 116. There are currently 77 children, five of whom are of preschool age. There are also 28 employees working in the educational process and 11 people outside the educational process, ”reported R. Lingien informó at a press conference this Thursday.

SECTION OF THE DAY. How to stop the spread of Covid-19 in schools?
