A young man with coronavirus in Raseiniai: he had never felt something like this


However, many patients deny such a claim. Mantas was interviewed as Delfi (name changed, real name and surname are known to the editorial board). A man living in Raseiniai does not belong to the risk group either by year or by chronic diseases. And although Mantas was of working age and did not have any illness, it did not save him from severe COVID-19 symptoms.

The hardest part is enduring pain and muscle weakness.

According to the man, he was infected with the coronavirus from his wife, who had contact with the patient at work. The woman had already experienced symptoms last Sunday and since then Mantas has also been isolated at her home.

“On Wednesday I felt bad, my muscles and joints started to ache, the temperature rose, I felt chills. I have never felt anything like this. It is said that I have flu-like symptoms, but I have never had the flu, so I don’t know how he feels. He tested me later. “I was officially informed on Friday that I had a coronavirus,” recalled the interlocutor.

A young man with coronavirus in Raseiniai: he had never felt something like this

© DELFI / Karolina Pansevič

The symptoms intensified and, according to Manto, the night that arrived was extremely severe.

“It was very strange, I really felt a lot of pain, arms, legs, it is difficult to tell. And the temperature does not drop in any way. It was difficult. There was a shiver, but it is so strange that it is difficult to compare it to anything, said Mantas.

– Some time ago there was purulent angina, of course, it is a different disease, but it also hurts, fever, but take medicine and sleep. And I couldn’t sleep at all here, all my muscles and joints hurt so much that I can’t stay in one place. It exhausted me at intervals, but it was difficult. I don’t want to dramatize, but I’ve never been like this. And for his wife, there were even nights like this. “

As the man said, after sleeping all day, the symptoms subsided, but they did not go away completely.

“It just came to our knowledge then. For example, he was strangely dizzy, as if he were not walking around the room, but on some ferry or boat. Now he has started a deeper cough, although he has passed a great weakness”, said the interlocutor .

A young man with coronavirus in Raseiniai: he had never felt something like this

© Shutterstock

Blankets emphasize extreme weakness as one of the most unpleasant symptoms. According to the interlocutor, even vacuuming the floor at home at the moment seems like a feat.

The whole family got sick

As there is no cure for coronavirus infection, treatment should be only symptomatic, alleviating unpleasant symptoms as much as possible. Mantas received the same treatment. As the man said, he was taking the usual medications for pain and fever.

Interestingly, COVID-19 often features different people with different symptoms. This family of Raseiniai residents is no exception: Mantas and his wife’s symptoms are partly different.

“She has been sick since last Sunday. I had a completely lost sense of smell, now it seems a little better, but still does not feel the taste. I also don’t have the taste it had before the illness, “said the man.

By the way, the school-age boy from Mantas also had symptoms: a high fever, above 39 degrees, and before that he complained of a headache. But now he is recovering little by little.

The interviewee points out that at this moment there is a lot of disbelief in the new virus in our environment. “It is annoying to see the smiles fade under all the Covid articles,” the man wrote on his social network account. Mantas, on the other hand, is trying to understand people’s anger over this pandemic.



“When my wife got sick, I didn’t think I was going to have anything very serious because I don’t have chronic respiratory diseases. Maybe the lifestyle is not the healthiest because I have a sedentary job, but I still move around a bit. But you never know how the body will react, the man said.

– I understand the people who are outraged by the coronavirus. I myself know of several people who have not received help with chronic illnesses due to the coronavirus, even though they require attention. When you are not sick, but your relatives or you do not receive any treatment for it, you start to see it differently and you get angry. Of course, people who believe in conspiracy theories have a deeper problem here, the educational gaps. “

And he adds: “I think everyone should be protected from the virus. It’s not a tragedy, but no one knows how the body will react. “

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the most common symptoms of COVID-19 are:

– fever;
– dry cough;
– fatigue.

Uncommon symptoms:

– bath and pain;
– Sore throat;
– Diarrhea;
– conjunctivitis (inflammation of the conjunctiva)
– headache;
– lack of taste or smell;
– skin rash or discoloration of the fingers or toes.

As with other respiratory viral infections, the shedding of the virus gradually ceases with recovery. Healthy people are discharged home. The same applies to people in home isolation: if the person does not show any symptoms within two weeks after the last day of being in the affected area or coming into contact with COVID-19, they will be considered healthy and will not be subject to no restrictions.

A young man with coronavirus in Raseiniai: he had never felt something like this

© DELFI / Andrius Ufartas

Patients with mild symptoms of coronavirus infection (COVID-19) who are cleared by a physician for outpatient treatment must adhere to all isolation rules until confirmation of recovery. This will be recognized when, after two consecutive tests, at least 24 hours. interval, negative test results will be obtained in both cases.

To prevent the spread of COVID-19:

– Wash your hands frequently. Use soap and water or rubbing alcohol for your hands;
– Keep a safe distance from a person who is coughing or sneezing;
– If physical distance is not possible, wear a mask;
– Do not touch your eyes, nose or mouth;
– Cover your nose and mouth with an elbow or a bent cloth when coughing or sneezing;
– If you don’t feel well, stay home;
– If you have a fever, cough, difficulty breathing, contact 1808.

It is strictly forbidden to use the information published by DELFI on other websites, in the media or elsewhere, or to distribute our material in any way without consent, and if consent has been obtained, it is necessary to cite DELFI as the source.
