Heartworms Face Double Threat During COVID-19 Pandemic: 3 Whales With Healthy Hearts | Lifetime


According to the president of the Lithuanian Heart Association Assoc. Dr. S. Glaveckaitė, cardiovascular diseases claim more than 17 million lives worldwide each year. Lithuania is no exception: 55 percent. Deaths are also caused (in absolute numbers: 20,901 deaths in 2019) by cardiovascular diseases.

According to preliminary data from the Lithuanian Institute of Hygiene, in March, April and especially in June this year, the number of deaths from cardiovascular diseases was higher than in the corresponding period of 2019. months. For example, in 2020 the number of deaths in June 2019 increased by almost 20% compared to 2019 in June.

“These preliminary statistics are concerning and show that the significantly reduced availability of medical care during quarantine and the increased fear of patients to go to healthcare providers probably will not go unpunished.

Preliminary statistics suggest that reduced access to medical care during quarantine is unlikely to go unpunished.

Therefore, we strongly recommend: do not be afraid to go to a medical institution immediately or call an ambulance if you experience threatening symptoms: in case of severe shortness of breath; more than 20 minutes after chest pain; loss or near loss of consciousness; sudden development of weakness in the arm or leg; changes in speech or development of facial asymmetry. Don’t delay and talk to your doctor if you are not sure about taking medications or if you have new or changed symptoms that concern you, ”advised the cardiologist.

The causes of cardiovascular diseases, according to the doctor, are many: from smoking, diabetes, high blood pressure and obesity to air pollution and less common causes such as heredity, infectious diseases, etc. During a COVID-19 pandemic, patients with cardiovascular disease are at double risk. Not only are they more likely to develop a more serious form of coronavirus infection, they are also more afraid to seek professional medical attention.

Therefore, in 2020. On September 29, to commemorate World Heart Day, the Lithuanian Heart Association together with the World Heart Federation invites take care of your heart: 1) eat healthy, 2) quit tobacco, and 3) increase physical activity.

“The COVID-19 pandemic has shown how important it is to take care of each other – to choose better and healthier solutions at any level, from the individual, the family, the community to the entire population and the state. Listen with your heart to your heart.Don’t forget about regular medical checkups, even if they are remote.Don’t avoid calling an ambulance if you feel the condition is getting worse, remember that it is safe and the medical staff is working for you.

We live in unprecedented times. We can only predict how a pandemic will unfold in the future, but we know that taking care of the heart is more important now than ever. For this reason, the Lithuanian Heart Association, together with the World Heart Federation, invites you to fight cardiovascular diseases from the heart, choosing the right thing, living actively and not abusing harmful habits ”, urges cardiologists.

123RF.com nuotr./Cukrus

123RF.com nuotr./Cukrus

What to eat and what to give up

  • Do not eat fruit juices sweetened with sugar or fruit juices; choose water or juice without sugar.

  • Replace sugar-based sweet treats with fresh fruits.

  • Eat 5 servings (one serving equals one handful) of fruits and vegetables a day: fresh, frozen, canned, or dried.

  • Limit alcohol or quit.

  • Limit processed and packaged products, which are often high in salt, sugar, and fat.

  • If you go to work, better prepare lunch at home and take it with you.

Did you know High blood glucose (blood sugar) may indicate that you have diabetes. People with diabetes die more often from cardiovascular disease. Therefore, if diabetes is not diagnosed or treated, it increases the risk of heart disease and stroke.

Increase physical activity

  • Your goal is at least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity 5 days a week or at least 75 minutes a week of high-intensity physical activity.

  • Play, walk, housework, dance – all included!

  • Be more active every day: climb stairs, go or ride a bike instead of a car.

  • Stay in good shape at home: even if you are isolated, you can join virtual exercises or workouts and play sports.

  • Download the fitness app or use the pedometer to see your progress.

Did you know High blood pressure is one of the main risk factors for cardiovascular disease. It is also called a silent killer because it usually has no warning signs or symptoms, so most people do not know they have high blood pressure.

Most people don’t know they have high blood pressure.

What You Should Know About The Effects Of Smoking

  • Quitting smoking is the best thing you can do for your heart health.

  • 2 years after quitting smoking, the risk of cardiovascular disease is significantly reduced.

  • Fifteen years after quitting smoking, the risk of cardiovascular disease reverts to that of a non-smoker.

  • Passive smoking also promotes the development of cardiovascular disease, even if you don’t smoke.

  • By quitting smoking, you will improve not only your health, but also the health of the people around you.

  • If you are having difficulty quitting, seek professional help.

Did you know Cholesterol is linked to approximately 4 million deaths a year, so ask your doctor to test your blood cholesterol and measure your weight and body mass index. After testing, your doctor will advise you on how to lower your risk for cardiovascular disease and improve your heart health.

Take the treatment prescribed by your doctor.

“Today we are happy to have the opportunity to treat cardiovascular disease with reimbursable combination drugs, that is, combination tablets that contain several drugs that work by different mechanisms. These combination tablets recommended by the European Society of Cardiology and the European Society of Hypertension improve the treatment of cardiovascular diseases by simplifying the treatment regimen and increasing the use of drugs.

The Lithuanian Heart Association is concerned that, at the state level, regardless of the health of patients and the recommendations of the working group of doctors, attempts are being made to go back decades and start the treatment of cardiovascular diseases, especially hypertension tablets prescribing two or three tablets. So let’s talk about it and make the best decisions together, “said S. Glaveckaitė.

When to start

2020 September 29 you can start fighting cardiovascular disease by riding a bike. The symbolic bike ride will start at 6 pm Vincas Kudirka Square, Vilnius. More information on the website of the Lithuanian Heart Association www.heart.lt and on the Facebook account @ heart.lt.
