Trump nominated ACBarrett to the United States Supreme Court


Trump stood next to ACBarrett in the White House’s Rose Garden when he announced his decision and named the candidate “one of the best and most awarded women” in the legal world. Despite strong opposition from Democrats, she predicted the candidate would be approved “very soon” in the Republican-controlled Senate.

If passed, ACBarrett will take the place of the late Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg and will likely turn the Supreme Court to the right for many years to come and replace the sometimes fragile 5-4 vote conservative lead with a strong 6 lead. -3 votes.

„Reuters“ / „Scanpix“ nuotr./Ruth Bader Ginsburg

„Reuters“ / „Scanpix“ nuotr./Ruth Bader Ginsburg

Previously, Trump served two of the nine justices.

With the liberal wing of the court weakening, the Supreme Court is likely to return to some of the country’s biggest legal problems, like the right to abortion or the already badly affected Obamacare health plan.

But in upcoming events, the swift passage of ACBarrett would shift the balance of power in the court, which will likely have to resolve a post-election dispute if both Trump and his Democratic opponent Joe Biden refuse to acknowledge the election result.

Public opinion polls show that Trump is far behind his opponent and has repeatedly stated, in the absence of evidence, that Democrats intend to falsify the results. Earlier this week, he said he would probably have to go to the Supreme Court after the elections.

„Reuters“ / „Scanpix“ nuotr./Joe Bidenas

„Reuters“ / „Scanpix“ nuotr./Joe Bidenas

Biden reacted quickly and said, “Senate action [dėl šios kandidatūros į teisėjus] should take ”after voters elect a new president.

Polls show that the majority of the population (57%) oppose the approval of a new Supreme Court judge before the elections. This approval is supported by 38%. people, according to a poll by The Washington Post and ABC television.

But Republican-majority Senate leaders say a vote to approve ACBarrett could take place before the election or at the latest during the transition period until the next president’s inauguration in January next year.

ACBarrett tried to calm his passions on Saturday. He began his speech with a fervent expression of respect for his late predecessor and stated that “if they confirm me, I know what to expect.”

He also hinted what his presentation would be in the Senate when he spoke about the values ​​of the judge. “A judge must apply the law as it is written. The judges are not legislators, ”he said.

ACBarrett’s first meetings with Republican senators are expected to take place next Tuesday.

ACBarrett has been a judge since 2017. A very conservative Catholic is seen as an opponent of abortion, an issue that is important to many Republicans.

In 2018, the mother of seven was shortlisted by D. Trump for a position that became vacant following the retirement of Justice Anthony Kennedy. Brett Kavanaugh finally took the spot after a fierce fight for approval.

It’s worth noting that justices to the Supreme Court in the United States are appointed for life, so fairly young justices are usually appointed. In this way, D. Trump has the opportunity to ensure such a composition of the court that would ensure the correct interpretation of the laws from the Republican point of view.
