They do not believe that the quarantine will be reintroduced in Lithuania: something else is the biggest fear of entrepreneurs


Andrius Romanovskis, president of the Lithuanian Business Confederation (LVK), says on the Delfi Day program that companies are currently more afraid of panic.

“It just came to our attention then. Not many things panic. Customers panic, the government panic, and then the company itself panics. Panic is the biggest fear and business, probably the most feared.” he replied at the start of the show.

Ensures merchants are ready

Rūta Vainienė, director of the Lithuanian Association of Business Companies, says that the companies themselves know how to work and trade in such difficult conditions.

“If, in the case of merchants, those waves of purchases are really completely unjustified, when consumers recharge from the points of sale to their own warehouses, they are now convinced that it was a useless measure because the supply of goods is guaranteed, then those waves would certainly be undesirable. It is not safe, it is useless for consumers, sellers, so when it comes to panic, the fear is there, but it is not so good. We hope that people have learned from the previous boom of the shopping.

Rūta Vainienė

Rūta Vainienė

© DELFI / Josvydas Elinskas

And we fear that if there are some sudden and unbalanced decisions, because the trading business is dynamic in itself, everything happens very fast there, so if the conditions change suddenly, although on the one hand they are used to adapting quickly, but in that run, quick grind. These rapid changes greatly complicate the daily routine.

Hopefully there is, apparently, our expectation is reasonable that we have been living with this virus for some time, an acquaintance is emerging. Both doctors and people, the companies themselves know more about it, how to work, how to trade in such conditions. I would say that now is a much calmer period “, – assured R. Vainienė.

I don’t think there will be a second quarantine

A. Romanovskis assures that he does not believe that there will be a second quarantine in Lithuania, because strict measures are not needed yet.

“I think that absolutely many, not only entrepreneurs, but all are afraid of quarantine and those rumors that I spoke about panic, even on certain dates when it comes, even companies ask if those dates really exist. It really scares the public.

Andrius Romanovskis

Andrius Romanovskis

© DELFI / Domantas Pipas

I think there will be no quarantine (…) If the epidemiological situation worsens, I think there will surely be some restrictions, but I think there will be no panic and extreme and irrational measures will not be taken. Companies are afraid and want to hope that this does not happen, “replied A. Romanovskis.

The director of the Lithuanian Trade Association emphasized that quarantine and business support are two different things, and companies are much more prepared. People are also used to behaving safer, using disinfectants.

“I would like to de-link the quarantine from the business support measures, because some business support measures not only work during the quarantine, but also work during an ongoing emergency. They can be activated even in the absence of an emergency, in the period after The pandemic. It would definitely unleash these two things and not hook them up on a wagon.

The quarantine was when he was in diapers, and now there are no such austerity measures to say that it is necessary. On the other hand, companies are already much better prepared, they could already operate even if the epidemiological situation deteriorates ”, says R. Vainienė.

“It can be said that we have already tried the most difficult option, so there probably will not be a great opportunity. If there were one, it could be an approach in that direction but it would not be so hard. Especially since some of the measures have even survived. now, so let’s not be afraid, we should shop more safely, ”adds R. Vainienė.

It is feared that many companies will not survive

The LVK president emphasized that if the second strict quarantine were to be repeated, many companies would simply fail, so there is no need to link the quarantine with state support.

“Business is business, they want to operate. There are no circumstances in which a company will be glad that it is not allowed to work. Perhaps individual companies can expect something, but globally, quarantine is a symbol of fear or a business threat to the business community, so hope that with the introduction of quarantine, the state will start paying everyone money left and right, so we can live well, that is utopian thinking.

Also, if you look at state aid after the introduction of quarantine, it was initially delayed, its volume was not that large compared to other countries.

They do not believe that the quarantine will be reintroduced in Lithuania: something else is the biggest fear of entrepreneurs

© DELFI / Josvydas Elinskas

I would say that most of the business, the workers themselves mobilized and endured that quarantine. And many companies could not withstand the second quarantine of this type, not because they cannot fight the virus, but because it is financially difficult due to changes in consumer habits, panic, fear and then companies will fail, “he said. the interlocutor in the program.

What businesses would be the worst

Asked by Romanovskis which areas would really be very bad, the interlocutor said that it would be the tourism and services sectors, but assured that there is still no need to intimidate people, since politicians are not even talking about quarantine.

“I would suggest not to intimidate people with the word ‘quarantine’, because all politicians are now declaring that there is no talk of quarantine in Lithuania, but if you ask which companies could not lift it, it is known that the tourism sector has not recovered.

There may be some signs, but they are completely minimal: the tourism sector, as it was sent into such a comical state, remains in a comical state. And when it comes to restrictions, the areas that are related to service or communication with people, restaurants, hotels, all these sectors, which were on the front line in March and April, and now, by tightening any restrictions, they feel first “., – says A. Romanovskis.

Negatively views business reorientation proposals.

When asked if he supports the idea that companies just need to change direction, A. Romanovskis says he even sounds cynical.

“But if you are a tour operator, of course, you can say that you have to close the company, lay off employees and go to commerce or other activities, but we have to understand one thing: not because the company did something wrong, there were restrictions.

They do not believe that the quarantine will be reintroduced in Lithuania: something else is the biggest fear of entrepreneurs

© DELFI / Kotryna Dagenytė

The state has decided that we must still stop for the sake of our health. If the state forces or restricts your activities, the state must help you get out of it.

Let’s not compare this situation to 2008, when perhaps some companies were operating irresponsibly, a completely different situation here. And that reorientation proposal is very drastic and, at times, it can seem very cynical. “

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