Covid-19 President, First Lady and Prime Minister’s Test Answers Revealed


The representative of President Antanas Bubnelis informed BNS that the coronavirus tests of G. Nausėda and Ms Diana Nausėdienė, as well as several presidential employees who participated in Sunday’s event in Kryžkalnis, came back negative.

According to A. Bubnelis, specialists from the National Public Health Center (NVSC) indicated that after evaluating that the president and the first lady attended the event wearing masks and following other recommendations, they do not need to take any additional security measures.

On Friday, the coronavirus test was also carried out for Prime Minister S. Skvernelis, it is negative, confirmed the SNB the representative of Prime Minister Tomas Beržinskas.

The head of state and prime minister conducted the COVID-19 tests when Raseiniai district mayor Andrius Bautronis and administration director Edmundas Jonyla announced on Friday that they had been diagnosed with the COVID-19 disease.

On Sunday, the president along with the leaders of the Raseiniai municipality attended the event by inaugurating a monument to the partisans. The event was also attended by Prime Minister S. Skvernelis, parliamentarians, ministers, etc.

Justina Petravičienė, representative of the National Center for Public Health, told BNS that the date of the event in Kryžkalnis does not fall in the contagious period, therefore the participants of the event do not need to be isolated.

“As far as we know, when a person is diagnosed with COVID-19, the days the event occurred were not considered contagious and those who interacted with it would not be considered high-risk individuals,” J. Petravičienė said Friday.

According to the NVSC, 24 new cases of coronavirus were detected in the district on the last day. Of all, more than 200 people are infected here.

How the Covid-19 study is done, in a video report:
