The focus of attention of health professionals is the Vilnius City Clinical Hospital: the fireplace continues to spread


The infection is spreading in Vilnius Hospital.

The number of coronavirus cases in the Vilnius City Clinical Hospital is growing.

“In Lithuania, it is now the largest fireplace in healthcare institutions. The new case is one patient, today we receive information about another case. A total of 15 patients are ill, all of whom are current or former patients in the unit in intensive care and in the intensive care unit. 11 employees were infected, 8 were infected in the internal medicine department, 3 were in intensive care, “said R. Lingienė.

According to the head of the Vilnius department of the NVSC, the relatives of 6 graduates were also confirmed with COVID-19 disease.

“An employee of the Vilnius City Clinical Hospital lives in the house on Pergal calles Street, who is not sick at the moment, but this person will not show up at the workplace for some time,” said R. Lingienė.

The focus of attention of health professionals is the Vilnius City Clinical Hospital: the fireplace continues to spread

© DELFI / Tomas Vinickas

According to Rolanda Lingienė, Director of the Vilnius Department of the National Center for Public Health, there are 83 patients in the hospital, 9 of them on resuscitation, 4 people need artificial lung ventilation and 26 people with oxygen masks.

“Of the six cases confirmed yesterday, 3 are in Klaipėda county, 1 is local, the other is related to Klaipėda Hospital for Nursing and Support Treatment, the Lithuanian Armed Forces commissioned 3 case studies. 3 identified in Vilnius County, is a former patient of Vilnius City Clinical Hospital, another UAB Afidea employee, the other is not involved in any outbreaks, “said R. Lingienė.

A comprehensive examination is currently underway at the Vilnius City Clinical Hospital.

“We receive information from the employees themselves, anonymous information that infection control measures are not being properly observed at this institution, not just in these departments,” said R. Lingienė.

Two age groups are the most affected

On Wednesday, a case of coronavirus was reported in Kaunas, which, according to preliminary data, had no contact with infected people, nor traveled.

However, later it became clear that this person was involved in the trip, the case is important. And it is related to the 3-person trip from Sweden to Venspils, and then by car to Kaunas, ”said R. Lingienė.

According to R. Lingienė, Lithuania looks good in terms of coronavirus incidence compared to other countries. The morbidity per 100,000 inhabitants is less than 54 people. At that time in Luxembourg, Spain, Iceland there are more than 400 hundred patients for every 100,000 inhabitants.

“Looking at the past two weeks, the number of new patients is declining, excluding foci. Fireplaces are well enough located and do not pose a high risk to the Lithuanian population. The highest morbidity rates are observed in Klaipėda counties , Vilnius and Marijampolė, in terms of the number of patients per 10,000 inhabitants, ”said R. Lingienė.

Rolanda Lingiene

Rolanda Lingiene

© DELFI / Domantas Pipas

In Klaipėda there are 12.7 patients for every 10 thousand inhabitants, in Vilnius – 8.25, and in Marijampolė 7.2 patients.

“The highest morbidity rate is recorded in the group of people over 80 years of age, in absolute numbers the highest morbidity rate is found in the group of 25-45 years. Third: 50-64. From 0 to 4 years we have 11 sick people, from 5 to 14 – 14 sick people. In Lithuania, women are sicker: 5.67 cases per 10,000 inhabitants, men: 4.69. This is in line with the European figures. 33 women and 21 men from COVID-19 died in Lithuania. Six people under the age of 65 died, mostly older people, “said R. Lingienė.

In Lithuania, about 20% had or still have coronavirus. health professionals, with 3.8% in China and 20% in Spain.

18 thousand calls from daycare staff

At a press conference, Minister A. Veryga announced that hotline work is currently very busy. On Wednesday alone, hotline volunteers answered nearly 18,000 calls. According to the minister, most of the calls were made by preschool staff, who were recommended to have prophylactic tests.

“Some saw this not as a recommendation but as an obligation. We received such messages that employees were told that they would not be able to work if they had no experience in mobile points. This is a wrong attitude, you really don’t need to ask everyone to investigate, “said the SAM chief.

Veryga recalled that this group of people had been examined over the weekend, but that none of them had a positive result.

Aurelijus Veryga

Aurelijus Veryga

© DELFI / Kiril Tchaikovsky

“No one is required to do a test before returning to work. I would like to ask you to understand that mobile points are not only for preventive screening, but also cover both people with symptoms and patients who need hospitalization. Therefore, I would like to ask everyone who rushed to check preemptively, because there will definitely be checks on both preschool and school staff, but certainly not en masse and not everyone, because there is no such opportunity and it doesn’t exist, “said A. Veryga. .

The risk of infection on public transport is low.

A public transport driver on Route 53 in Vilnius was reported to be infected with a coronavirus on Wednesday. According to the NVSC, COVID-19 has been confirmed in a person who works at the Vilnius City Clinical Hospital and is close to this driver.

“The risk to passengers is assessed as extremely low and not of concern,” said R. Lingienė.

Currently, 517 people still suffer from coronavirus and 934 are considered healthy.

There are currently 260 people in isolation.

54 people died of coronavirus, and six people infected with coronavirus died of other causes.

7989 samples were analyzed in the country’s laboratories per day, the total number of samples analyzed reaches 208 thousand. 253.

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