Verdict of specialist in medical and fabric masks: If you use it, the mask loses all its protective functions | Lifetime


What is the difference between disposable and reusable masks?

Aušra Bartulienė, an epidemiologist at the Center for Communicable Diseases and AIDS, emphasized that there are two types of masks: disposable and reusable medical.

“The name itself indicates that disposable masks can be used once. No matter how long we have used them, we must discard them because the used ones lose their protective function. The material of the disposable masks they are made from is not suitable for many uses.

Even if you have not used the mask for two hours, what is the maximum duration of its effectiveness, no disinfection or storage in the sun will help. Because these masks are more papery, the structure of their material changes quickly after use. This is also the recommendation of the World Health Organization: discard the medical mask after a single use, “said the interlocutor.

Disposable medical masks should also be disposed of responsibly, preferably in a separate container or sealed bag.

Meanwhile, the fabric masks are more dense and can be removed and put on several times a day. The number of hours that the mask remains effective is usually signed by the manufacturer on the package insert. For example, the same mask can be used for six hours, but it must be washed once a day, that is, the same mask cannot be used on the second day.

If the mask is made of cotton, it is best to wash it with hot water and soap. After that, it can still be compared to a steamer or just a hot iron. If the material is synthetic, manufacturers must specify temperature limits. Some masks can simply be sprayed with a 70 degree alcohol spray and allowed to dry.

“I have noticed that people who remove their masks often put them in their pockets. For this purpose, you need to have a special airtight bag, and then it can already be thrown anywhere: in a pocket, purse, car, etc. Even if the mask is multiple, throwing it anywhere contaminates it and loses its function. After all, we wear masks not only for ourselves, but also in an effort to protect ourselves and others. And if a virus lands on the mask, which is really real, by throwing the mask anywhere, we spread that virus on other surfaces, then we touch them with our hands and that is how the circle lights up ”, explained A. Bartulienė.

For this reason, it is recommended to touch the mask as little as possible, especially from the inside, to remove or put on when trying to fasten the laces, and to wash or disinfect your hands before and after.


Illustration “Healthier Vilnius: Wellness Office” / How to wear a reusable mask correctly?

It reminds us that we use masks not for decoration.

When asked how they evaluate when people walk outdoors with the mask under their chin because they will soon have to put it back on, the specialist said that again, for the same hygiene, this type of mask should not be used.

“If you need to walk a short distance, move from one store to another, maybe it’s even more forgivable. Still, remember that the masks are not accessories and we will not use them just for the sake of the image. Now, in fact, they are used in every way: both the noses stick out and under the chin. The mask should cover both the nose and the chin, and be as close to the face as possible, because when we speak, we sneeze, cough, we emit many droplets into the environment, and the masks retain them.

Sure, no one one hundred percent, including masks, will protect us from the virus, but they certainly reduce the risk of infection. This has already been tested.

By the way, perhaps this year we will have lower morbidity and flu statistics from the use of masks. Until now, we didn’t have the culture to wear masks when flu season came around, although there are countries where it is common. And when it comes to which mask is better to choose, medical or material, it depends on the potential risk. When going to the polyclinic, it may be worth it to use a medical mask, but in a store where the probability of contagion is lower, it is possible to maintain safe distances and the material would be sufficient ”, considered A. Bartulienė.
