The number of COVID-19 cases skyrocketed when the second wave started: what will the government do?


During Thursday’s press conference, R. Lingienė called Radviliškis, Šiauliai and Raseiniai COVID-19 hot spots, where the infection spreads suddenly.

“We can talk about the second wave that started in certain regions of Lithuania, because those regions that became hotspots have seen total silence in them for a long time, or there were no recorded cases, or there were several that had no relationship each other, “he said. NVSC representative.

Photo by Sigismund Gedvila / 15min / Rolanda Lingiene

Photo by Sigismund Gedvila / 15min / Rolanda Lingiene

Only one case of COVID-19 was recorded in Raseiniai in July, there were no such cases in August, and now in September, according to R. Lingienė, coronavirus was detected in 112 people in three weeks.

The situation is similar with the other two areas mentioned. The large COVID-19 foci in Šiauliai and Radviliškis are hospitals in these cities: 102 COVID-19 cases are already associated with Radviliškis Hospital and 19 cases with Šiauliai.

In the Raseiniai district, 23 cases of coronavirus were detected during the last day, according to the NVSC representative, the infection is spreading in a certain part of the district – Viduklė.

“It is spreading in Viduklė in the school, kindergarten, outpatient clinic and in the Blinstrubiškės welfare house near this city; the cases are registered everywhere. In addition to the listed institutions or bodies, the cases they were registered in the municipality, in the hospital, in a Raseiniai company and in the police, a secondary case, and in the Šatrija choir, ”said R. Lingienė.

For those who live in areas affected by the virus, he recommended being responsible and avoiding contact.

We recommend that you minimize the contacts as much as possible.

“We ask you to keep contacts to a minimum or to a minimum, and if you go out, avoid them at all, I mean between regions. The main recommendation is to work from home,” urged R. Lingienė.

He recommended that employees traveling, for example, from Raseiniai to Šiauliai, or from Radviliškis to other districts, go to telework and asked employers to make sure of this.

“We would very much like to leave time for epidemiologists until the inhabitants of Radviliškis and the Raseiniai district have been assessed, and until the limits of this focus are established and localized. Because inevitably we see that the infection has spread to other parts from Lithuania, ”noted R. Lingienė.

States that quarantine is unnecessary

For his part, A.Veryga urged the municipalities to be patient and follow the recommendations provided by the NVSC.

Municipalities behave adequately in the absolute majority of cases.

“Municipalities just need patience and understand that the spread of the disease is not so easy to control. I understand that sometimes there is fear and confusion when seeing how many cases are detected, but so far the situation is under control, municipalities are behaving appropriately in the vast majority of cases, mobile sampling points are emerging where people can do tests , the tests are expanding.

Recommendations are given for treatment facilities in case of infection. The municipalities also have their own Emergency Operations Centers, which operate and make decisions about the cancellation and suspension of events. At the moment, the situation is under control, you have to be patient, ”said A. Veryga.

According to him, the introduction of local quarantine in Šiauliai, Raseiniai or Radviliškis has not yet been considered: “The chimneys, although widespread, are clear enough.”

The chimneys, although widespread, are clear enough.

Furthermore, according to A.Veryga, when municipalities take measures and can implement them without announcing the quarantine, they can ban events, introduce distance education.

“And to announce some local quarantine measures, of course, there may be such things, but the recommendation of the NVSC and the joint administration of the municipal administration with the Ministry would require such a quarantine to be announced. Until now, no municipality has such a recommendation from specialists-epidemiologists ”, explained the Minister.

Although last day a record number of COVID-19 cases was established: 138, A.Veryga did not mention that it is planned to introduce new restrictions and tighten the emergency regime in the country.

Do not rule out that the indicator of affected countries will change

After Lithuania exceeded 25 cases of coronavirus 100 thousand. population, A.Veryga did not rule out that the government change the indicator of countries affected by coronavirus.

Eriko Ovcharenko / 15min nuotr./Oro uoste

Eriko Ovcharenko / 15min nuotr./Oro uoste

Currently, it is considered that 25 cases per 100,000 are affected by coronavirus, of which self-isolation is necessary when returning. Overcrowded countries: This poster was already launched just over a week ago out of the previous 16 cases.

“Until now, there has been no decision or agreement in the COVID-19 Steering Committee to change the indicator. I have mentioned many times that it would be good for Europe to agree on some common principle, common indicators; so far there is no such consensus, except for some recommendations, but it certainly would not rule out the possibility that this indicator may change from the countries of origin. There is no need to isolate oneself, “said A.Veryga.

According to him, in the COVID-19 committee “there was a discussion, but it was decided to remain the same for the moment – in 25 cases.”

The virus is spreading in hospitals and educational institutions

Since the beginning of the school year, the coronavirus has been able to spread in 77 educational institutions, the internal spread of the infection has been established in six of them, said R. Lingienė.

Arno Strumila / 15min photo / Mask illustration

Arno Strumila / 15min photo / Mask illustration

According to her, in the last day 18 new cases of coronavirus were registered in educational institutions, they were detected in 10 schools and four kindergartens.

“From the beginning of the school year to the present, cases of COVID-19 have been registered in 77 educational institutions in the country, with a total of 116 cases. There are currently 77 children, five of whom are of preschool age. There are also 28 employees working in the educational process and 11 people outside the educational process, ”commented R. Lingienė.

According to data from Thursday morning, a total of more than 1.6 thousand people are currently isolated due to the spread of the coronavirus. individuals, but the number is constantly growing.

The internal spread of the COVID-19 infection was found in six educational institutions. This, according to epidemiologists, is not much.

“Internal spread of the COVID-19 infection was detected in six educational institutions. According to epidemiologists, this is not much, because in other institutions the infection comes from the family or social environment, ”said R. Lingienė.

During the day, new cases of coronavirus were registered in four health institutions in the country: Šiauliai, Radviliškis, Panevėžys and Raseiniai hospitals.

According to R. Lingienė, 478 doctors have been diagnosed since the beginning of the pandemic, 117 are currently sick. During September 94 cases of coronavirus were diagnosed in health institutions.

See the remote press conference attended by A.Veryga, Head of the NVSC Vilnius R.Lingienė Department and Head of the Mental Health Division of the Ministry of Health Ignas Rubikas, below:

During the press conference, I. Rubikas presented an initiative on free additional psychologist consultations for those who experienced difficulties during the coronavirus pandemic. More about this – here.
