Karbauskis: when and what two young conservatives – Paluck and Landsberg agreed


A few days ago, I received questions from members of the Social Democratic Presidium about whether their leader is talking to us about a possible center-left coalition, which is not possible without the Union of Peasants and Greens of Lithuania, what we agreed, etc. It is misleading both to the party presidency and to the public. Information that the chairman of the Social Democratic Party G. Paluckas is actively planning the center-left coalition after the Seimas elections and has taken the necessary measures.

But the reality is different. None of the parties that currently form the ruling majority have discussed this issue with G. Paluck, much less have not received any initiative to form part of a coalition after the elections, ”wrote R. Karbauskis.

A peasant magician on Facebook asked: why and for whom is this lie useful?

“This imitation of G. Paluck’s political actions in public is intended to mislead the voters and the people of the Social Democratic Party, thereby giving them the impression that G. Paluck’s Social Democrats do not plan to join the Conservatives after the elections.

Therefore, the silent duck that G. Paluckas wants to strengthen the center-left bloc had so much to reassure the true social democrats (for example, for some of them, as V. Andriukaitis says, the Union of Conservatives and Social Democrats still seems be “the biggest problem for Lithuania”), both to mobilize voters in this political direction.

The only problem is that the actions of the Social Democrats and Conservatives and their factions in the Seimas show otherwise. It is obvious to us that the “social democrats” and the conservatives of the young conservative G. Paluckas have been voting in the same way for the third year in a row and thus have long been ideologically fused, although in the public sphere they are different and seek to unite different policies. people who support the values.

Today, none of the Conservatives and Social Democrats are in a hurry to approve or deny this hitherto secret “union”. People who have not yet realized the facts of G. Paluck’s betrayal will be able to see its reality already during the second round of these elections to the Seimas, when the parties will have to publicly tell the voters which other parties they will support in the election. Second round. How will the true ideological Social Democrats, whose remnants still remain in G. Paluck’s Social Democratic Party, feel? ”, Wrote R. Karbauskis.

What happened to the Social Democrats?

“It is not only the true Social Democrats and their supporters of political thought who should ask the question: why did the Social Democrats leave the ruling majority three years ago? Our political agenda and programs matched perfectly and we seemed to be able to work without hindrance. Furthermore, they had every opportunity to agree not only on the nominations of the ministers, but also to raise questions about the position of the President of the Seimas.

Thus, there could not be more ideal conditions for the implementation of the social democratic program. However, this was the first sign that Mr. Paluck did not care about the agenda of the Social Democrats and that he was not going to deliver on the promises made by the Social Democrats to the electorate. Instead of working on the show, he decided to withdraw the party from the ruling majority in 2017 in the fall. Everyone remembers very well how the Social Democrats disagreed because a part of the Social Democrats wanted to continue working in the ruling majority and they were not going to join the conservative opposition.

This is G. Paluck’s first betrayal of the Social Democrats. The second followed immediately: the Social Democrats under his leadership and the Conservatives coordinated the votes in the Seimas in favor of the Conservatives and, according to their ideological line, were completely opposed to the left, which the Social Democrats of G. Paluck had to support. I am enclosing four votes: By voting against the state budgets for the past two years, they, along with the Conservatives, voted against children’s money, against increasing pensions and all of our other social initiatives.

In all these three years, when he sold something to the conservatives, or perhaps in this way returned to his real political family and divided the Social Democrats after leaving the ruling majority, he did not even try to talk about political values, directions, the current and future work of the center-left. Instead, his faction worked hand-in-hand with the Conservatives in the Seimas, swapping the chair of the opposition leader and only when the elections were approaching did he organize a rally and reportedly withdrew from the opposition, but continues to vote in sessions exactly from the same way as in opposition. Paluck’s task was clear: to help the Conservatives form a new majority with the blessing of Grybauskaitė, but with little political experience, he expected nothing: that some Social Democrats would break away and choose social and democratic values ​​and productive work instead of conservatives. . In most.

All political processes must be examined retrospectively. Here also facts emerge such as G. Landsbergis’ public support for G. Paluck in the spring as a candidate for the post of president of the LSDP in 2017. By the way, G. Landsbergis and the former congratulated G. Paluckas on winning those elections. The League of Young Conservatives also recalled on that occasion that Paluck was a former member of that organization. It would seem that G. Paluck became the leader of the Social Democrats to lead them to the Conservatives. G. Landsbergis tried to show this in every possible way, emphasizing in the public space the communion between him and his colleague of young conservatives, which was promoted by the representatives of his political interest groups, ”wrote R. Karbauskis.

Landsbergis and MG Baltic support G. Paluckas

R. Karbauskis also mentioned the MG Baltic case on his Facebook account.

“I don’t know if you have closely followed the progress of the National Defense and Security Committee’s investigation into the impact of businesses and interest groups on state politicians. The study was important because it allowed the public to see behind the scenes the scandal of MG Baltic, who had been carefully hidden for many years, when the forces of order announced the lands of G. Landsbergis and R. Kurlianskis, during which the conservative electoral program was coordinated with the business group and the Liberal Party. E. Masiulis he was accused of taking 106 thousand euros, possibly included in a box of alcohol, a bribe. What is G. Paluck here for? And I will come to him soon.

During the investigation, it was established that in order to ensure financial benefits and personal influence, the managers of MG Baltic company developed a long-term business development strategy, which has been consistently and purposefully implemented to date. The strategy identified the following key objectives:

– reduce the negative impact of the power and governance of the State, the judiciary and other institutions (influence on legislation and reduction of sanctions);

– establish and maintain constant contacts in government and management institutions, to receive information from important institutions (Seimas, Government);

– Lobbying, whose results are measured by the number of influential structures.

The National Security and Defense Committee, based on intelligence, found that in the implementation of the strategy, in 2017. Representatives of the concern MG Baltic actively participated in the processes related to the election of the president of the LSDP and the split of this party , in addition to seeking to influence internal party discussions about participation in the ruling coalition in the Seimas. To this end, he collected compromising information on potential candidates for the position of party chairman, which influenced people to change their self-determination. Finally, G. Paluckas was elected president of the LSDP, ”wrote R. Karbauskis.

Mr Karbauskis asked for a slightly broader view of Mr Paluck’s possible coalition between the Conservatives and the Social Democrats.

After G. Landsbergis’ statements that social democrats look at the state in a similar way, there are no political and worthless directions, but pragmatic deductions, for which there is a lot of money, interest groups, which undoubtedly benefit only these two young people and their environment, supporters. , not for Lithuania and democracy.

As I said, if the Social Democrats support the Conservatives during the second parliamentary elections and vice versa, it will be clear evidence that if these two parties win the elections, the states and the people will have difficulties to return to the embrace of MG Baltic or other groups of interest. .

You will see one of the many polls below. Try to distinguish which of them are conservatives, which are social democrats, ”wrote R. Karbauskis.
