Updated requirements for educational institutions have come into effect: in case of illness, you no longer have to call 1808


On Tuesday, A.Veryga renewed five of his decisions on preventive measures organizing primary, basic, secondary, non-formal education, as well as preschool and preschool education, education in higher education, professional schools and educational institutions of Adults. These decisions, which the minister had not even mentioned before, went into effect on Wednesday.

From now on, the directors of general education schools are obliged to:

  • allow only students from the same class (group, stream) to participate in extended day group activities;
  • provide outdoor spaces on the territory of the school where breaks of different classes (groups, traffic) can allow breaks;
  • when organizing physical education lessons, so that the changing rooms are used only by students of the same class (group, current);
  • if necessary, adjust the working hours of the educational institution. Schedule less than 10 min. Breaks can be scheduled or first shift lessons begin before 8 pm only with approval of the school board (duration of break cannot be less than 5 minutes);
  • Student lockers, if possible, will be located on the same floor as the lessons for those classes. If students use the locker room in multiple classes, lockers can be installed in or in teaching rooms (eg classrooms);
  • if necessary, allocate toilet facilities for the use of students of a specific class (group, stream) without dividing them by gender;
  • recommend to the student’s parents that they consult a family physician regarding further actions if the student develops signs of acute upper respiratory tract infections during the educational process;
  • I recommend that you see a family doctor if you experience symptoms of COVID-19.

Previously, those responsible for educational institutions had to consult the Coronavirus Hotline about new actions in case of illness of a student or employee of the institution, tel. 1808

You can get acquainted with A.Veryga’s updated decisions regarding order in general education schools. here and here.

Similar changes have been confirmed in other types of educational institutions. More about them – here, here and here.

After the Ministry of Health (SAM) distributes a report on the decisions taken and their reasons, we will complement the text.
