Rapid COVID-19 tests will examine employees of the Ministry of Finance, its subsidiaries, state-owned companies and elsewhere


By decision that took effect on Wednesday, A.Veryga instructed the directors of municipal administrations to organize rapid COVID-19 tests for employees of:

  • Lithuania SE Airports;
  • UAB „LTG Link“;
  • Lithuanian Transportation Security Administration;
  • SE Transport Competition Administrations;
  • SE Lithuanian Highway Administration;
  • HE Oro Navigacija;
  • Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Lithuania;
  • State Tax Inspections;
  • Lithuania statistics;
  • Technological Protection Services for State Documents;
  • Gambling supervision services;
  • Auditing, accounting, asset valuation and bad debt management services;
  • National Center of General Functions;
  • cultural institutions that provide services to the public.

The AMP Rapid Test SARS-CoV-2 IgG / IgM rapid serological test should be performed within two weeks of receiving the rapid tests if the personnel of these establishments, institutions and establishments so wish.

Employees of the Department of Prisons, its subordinate institutions and the State Data Protection Inspectorate may examine in the same way. Their examination must be organized by the prisons.

The Medical Center of the Ministry of the Interior shall examine the officials of the Customs Department and its subordinate customs statutory bodies through rapid tests in accordance with the above procedure.

The bodies in charge of this must organize the investigations in accordance with certain requirements. Individuals who test positive for IgM will need to contact the 1808 hotline and register for a coronavirus PCR test.

Previously, A.Veryga was in charge of investigating statutory officials, employees of the Government Chancellery and people who work in institutions dependent on the Ministry of Agriculture with serological tests for COVID-19. In addition, specialists in the protection of children’s rights. More about this – here.

The minister commented that the rapid tests are aimed at examining groups of people who have a large number of contacts and in order to assess the incidence.

“We look at those groups that have many contacts. And then, by repeating those tests, it will be possible to observe the changes ”, – taught A.Veryga earlier during the press conference.

Photo by Julius Kalinskas / 15min / Aurelijus Veryga

Photo by Julius Kalinskas / 15min / Aurelijus Veryga

In March, Lithuania for 6 million. 500 thousand euros. rapid COVID-19 tests. The circumstances of its acquisition are being investigated by the Financial Crimes Investigation Service (FNTT).

In this case, the Vice Chancellor of the Government, Lukas Savickas, and the Advisor to the Prime Minister of Health, Jonas Kairys, were questioned as special witnesses.

The LRT Research Division previously announced that L. Savickas, on the orders of Prime Minister S. Skvernelis, had issued a direct order to urgently start purchasing rapid tests in March.

ALSO READ: Following S. Skvernelis’ stormy speech, new rapid test buying secrets have been opened at the Seimas

The rapid tests were purchased from Profarma and manufactured by the Austrian company Ameda labordiagnostik GmbH.

Lina Mecelicienė, a representative of Pro Aris, the official distributor of Ameda’s Austrian products, has said that it offered the Ministry of Health on March 18 to buy rapid tests for three times less, but received no attention. She claimed that the company offered rapid tests to customers in Lithuania for the same price: € 3 excluding VAT.

And the National Public Health Laboratory bought the rapid tests supplied by Profarma at a price several times higher: an average of 12 euros per test. In addition, the purchase was made with special urgency, within two days of the receipt of the offer, the signing of the contract and the transfer of the total amount of more than 6 million. they are equivalent to providers.

In the FNTT investigation, the suspicions were presented to six people, including representatives of the company that provided the Profarma tests, the then Deputy Minister of Health Lina Jaruševičienė, a member of the Vilnius City Council, director of the company Bona diagnosis Redas Laukys. She belongs to the Freedom Party and her membership has been suspended due to charges.

According to the study, it amounts to 6 million. The company allegedly falsified the documents and provided the buyer with false information about the manufacturer of the rapid tests for COVID-19.
