Seimas: for smaller cuts in early retirement pensions Business


59 members of the Seimas voted in favor of the bill, 1 against and 0 abstentions.

The project will be discussed in the Labor and Social Affairs Committee (SRDK).

The “peasants” Tomas Tomilinas and Rima Baškienė prepared amendments to the Social Insurance Pensions Law.

“July 2020. According to the data, around 5.5 thousand received early retirement. Recipients. On average, a beneficiary of an early retirement pension receives this pension for 30 months, it is reduced by 12 percent. If a person chooses By receiving an early retirement pension for the remaining 5 years until retirement age (ie 60 months), your early retirement pension is reduced by 24 percent.This pension reduction applies for as long as the person lives.

The purpose of the bills is to establish a fairer percentage of reduction of early retirement pensions and old-age pensions that are subsequently granted to their beneficiaries, ”indicates the bill’s explanatory memorandum.

Luke April / 15min photo / Tom Tomilinas

Luke April / Photo of 15min / Tom Tomilinas

If the Seimas approves the new procedure, instead of reducing anticipated pensions by 0.4 percent. For the remaining month until retirement age, it is proposed to reduce them by 0.32% from 2021.

The proposed changes would reduce it by an average of 9.6% for the average person receiving a 30-month early retirement. instead of the current 12 percent. reduction. The person who has chosen to receive this pension during the entire payment period would be subject to 19.2%. reduction instead of the current 24%.

The state budget will require more than 5 million. 5.3 million euros per year. in 2021 to 5.9 million. euros in 2023.

“This is not an ideal solution, it will require funds from the Sodra budget,” Tomilinas said.

In Lithuania, it is now possible to receive an early pension if there are five years until retirement, the person has accumulated the required time of service and has no other income.

Early retirement pensions, averaging € 280, have been paid since July 2004.

In July of this year, about 5.5 thousand people received early retirement. recipients.

Photo by Julius Kalinskas / 15min / Senior

Photo by Julius Kalinskas / 15min / Senior

Criticism of the project

The conservative Gintarė Skaistė assured that she would not oppose establishing the coefficient. However, she said the calculations presented did not withstand criticism.

“I didn’t find any calculations on why 0.32 instead of 0.4, actually. What I find in the text reminds me more of smart math when you create a number yourself and then find a way to substantiate it. She says she calculated the new ratio based on the life expectancy of women because they live longer than men. And since you can’t apply a different ratio to men than to women, you will apply the better ratio to them, women. It is logical to assume that the same coefficient should apply to all people. Here, it would be equally possible to point to a group of healthy people, calculate that they live longer, then we cannot apply different conditions and make a healthy life expectancy factor. “I don’t know why the ministry did not present this project, so the calculations are theirs,” he said.

Tomilin declined that this figure has been delivered to the parliamentarian by the Ministry of Social Security and Labor. Furthermore, in his opinion, if this bill had been presented by the Government, its approval would have taken another six months.

Conservative Edmund Pupinis said he was “concerned about the balance of the numbers.”

Why 0.32 instead of 0.2? But we recently passed a bill that allows us to retire early and last for 3 years if we have seniority. Don’t you think we need to be more careful, because we can also balance the Sodra budget? Furthermore, since no one knows, Sodra probably does not know to what extent the improved conditions will lead to the retirement of new people and therefore the budget will need to be increased. Don’t you think it’s not time yet? It is always good to add, but when there is nothing to add, you must borrow, if there is an opportunity, or go to the other side ”, asked the parliamentarian.

According to Tomilino, the pandemic had been distracted from this issue and did not deserve further delay.

The Social Democrat Algirdas Sys believes that the “peasants” are passing this law because of the upcoming elections.

“We are not surprised that there are no calculations, because there are elections on October 11. Everyone wants to love the voters more. There is a tradition here every four years ”, he is convinced.

Conservative Sergei Jovaiša believes that this proposal would encourage people to leave the job market as soon as possible.

“First, how much state revenue will not go into the budget? Next, you are encouraging him to finish his job sooner. How does this correlate with the Silver Line proposal to encourage older people to work as long as possible? You want to encourage them with one hand, encourage them to exit the job market with the other, ”he asked.

According to T. Tomilinas, advance pensions need to be reformed and he supported S. Jovaiša. However, the parliamentarian leaves such reforms for the next legislature.

“What was said a year ago is relevant today. “The number is not reasonable, we have to reduce it because people are suffering and we have to react to that suffering,” he explained.
